Easter Eggs Painting Master Oksana Bilous. Vsesvit u mojih dolonjah. (DVD). (Universe in My Hands) | | Track Reviews (4) |
An Easter egg is a symbol of Ukraine. An Easter egg is an original present from Ukraine. An Easter egg is an enigmatic averter of Ukraine. From ancient times, an egg was a symbol of the world, a symbol of life. It hides in itself the secret of birth of new worlds. In the startless and endless world, an egg is a symbol of beginning of a new life. Ancient signs and symbols of Ukrainian Easter eggs tell us about it. The member of the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine, the Honored Master of Folk Art of Ukraine Oksana Bilous invites you to glance into the mystery of creating the Easter egg, to join the magic world of Easter eggs masterpieces. A documentary with elements of a master class.
The movie is in Ukrainian.
Video format - PAL.
DVD Region: ALL.
Publisher: UKRmusic Year: 2007
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See also:
"I am really extremely satisfied that I have come back to my native club. Ten years of my life passed in different countries of Europe, and time has come to return home in order to once again bring joy to fans of "Dynamo" and the entire Ukraine..." Andriy Shevchenko, "Dynamo" (Kyiv) player
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
This is the first attempt of presenting a DVD TV version of the anniversary celebration of the outstanding modern Ukrainian theater and cinema actor – the People's Artist of Ukraine Bogdan Benyuk. The benefice took place on December, 3, 2007 on occasion of celebration of Bogdan Benyuk's 50th anniversary in the National Academic Dramatic Theater named after Ivan Franko.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
Born in Ukraine, came to Milan, put the world to his feet. These several words contain everything that soccer fans all over the world know about Andrey Shevchenko. In this soccer video programme, together with the king of soccer in Milan, we will try to tell about undisclosed sides of his life…
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
...Well, and the third figure, which on that night was the major magnet – Les Poderevyansky. He recited his play "Splendor and Misery of Maricones", and this disc can be considered its first release. As usual – sharp, funny, attentive...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
, Мелітополь, Україна
04-02-2009 16:29 |
Чудовий фільм! Друковане, то друковане, хай навіть докладне і кольорове. Й зовсім інша річ, побачити, так би мовити, на власні очі. Цікаво, пізнавально, вбирає очі краса, творена Вашими руками, пані Оксано.
Уклінна подяка також режисерові й його колективові, які уможливили появу цього проекту. Маю надію, що це тільки перша ластівка, і ми матимемо нагоду побачити продовження цьго фільму.
З роси і води Вам усім!
, Киев
30-09-2008 19:51 |
Материал просто суперовый, но хотелось бы посмотреть на сайте больше примеров, вариантов росписывания яиц. Удачи! :)
, Свердловськ, Україна
10-01-2008 16:31 |
Молодец! Материал хороший необходимый! Вдохновляйся на новые проекты!
, Полтава
08-01-2008 18:48 |