Lviv, at to me, is one of those cities that you, having visited it once, will never forget – and will fall in love with it forever. You will come to love these courts, pavement, polite until recently streetcars of Rus’ka street... Early in the morning, in this transparent and a bit tart silence, with the first sounds of dawn, in the air slightly moist and fresh after the night – Lviv is indescribably beautiful. Its stones breathe so distinctly and deeply that you believe: you only need to take off your shoes and walk along these streets barefoot – and the city will tell you something so... actually, when you believe – you do it, and that is exactly how it happens. At a certain instant you feel that history is not dead, it is all at once, both the past and present, taking place just here and now. And that is for me – though I am not therefrom... Thus, to say nothing about Lviv residents – their love to their city is well-known, and something new, talented, inspired, wonderful is constantly born from it. Creative. So – stories about Lviv to your attention, told by its children, who have become famous all over the country, or even all through the whole world..
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog) Daily and hourly Lviv is ready to open itself to anyone who will believe in its legends. Who will uncover the secrets of mentality of its inhabitants constantly dependent on coffee and water. Who will learn to understand Lviv gvara (the urban manner of speaking) and will distinguish "defilyada" (parade) from "atraktsia" (attraction), and "kolizhanka" (friend) from "filizhanka" (a little pot). Who will, in the end, feel the colors of this city, which will never agree to the status of a periphery, because from its very birth Lviv has ambitions of the center of Europe. The text is read by: Bohdan Stupka, Yury Gluschuk, Vira Makovska, Lyuba Sorokina. "The Song About Lviv" by Maryana Hemara is performed by the vocal formation "Pikkardiyska Tertsiya". The movie is in Ukrainian. Subtitles: русский, english, polski, deutsch. Video format - PAL. DVD Region: 5.
Publisher: UKRmusic Year: 2007
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CD1 |
1. |
| the film "Our Lviv" (fil'm "Nash L'viv")
2. |
| true stories about Lviv brick houses (nevyhadani istoriji pro l'vivs'ki kam’janyci)
3. |
| the chronicle of the city in dates (litopys mista v datah)
4. |
| museums of Lviv (muzeji L'vova)
5. |
| prominent Lviv residents (vydatni l'viv’jany)
6. |
| knaypy (cafes) and confectioneries (knajpy ta cukerni)
7. |
| and in addition – a dictionary of Lviv gvara (i na dodachu – slovnychok l'vivs'koji gvary)
See also:
The film speaks about style specifics, location, history and modern life of wooden temples in the Transcarpathian territory. The TV trip begins with Saint Archangel Michael church built in 1745 in the village of Uzhok, Velyko-Bereznyansky district...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
There is no man in the world, who has never been to the Transcarpathia even if it was once in his life... And surely there is no man, who has never been going to visit this picturesque place. Ancient mountains, relict, virgin forests, mountain lakes, medieval castle... and what about the salve mountain air, unique mineral and thermal water? This film was created just for those, who are going to visit the Transcarpathia.
Domestic price: 272.44UAH,
International price: $13.90USD
Picturesque nature, fragments of hutsul holidays and their way of life in conjunction with most interesting historical and geographical information will appear to you in this amazing project. The romantic of this places and felling that time was stopped here will drag you back – to feel again the breath of mountings.
Domestic price: 299.88UAH,
International price: $15.30USD
On February, 21, 2008, the folklore expedition of the project Dazzle Dreams Sound System left for Nepal. The primary objective of the project is searching and recording of countries' ethnic music – music samples, accumulation of an original record library and its integration into their own music. During one week, the guys accumulated a great number of original samples, and they became part of new tracks by Dazzle Dreams.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
, Москва, Россия
02-03-2009 08:36 |
Иногда дикторский текст читают настолько быстро, что не успеваешь соотнести его с картинкой. А вот фильм о городе очень хороший, "всунуто" много интересной информации. Главное - отличный профессиональный видеоряд, где и хроника, и настоящее. Лучшего и не пожелаешь. Красота.
Но вот я до сих пор не знаю, что это за красивая старая улица, над которой проходят железнодорожные пути. Ни в одном фильме её нет.
Отдельно хочется упомянуть информацию о ресторанах. Это просто чудесно, так и тянет обойти каждый.
, Lwów
28-02-2009 18:08 |
To, co nazwano "naszym" i tu przedstawiono, nigdy nie może być wasze, bo one są skradzione. Wasze to jest tylko Nowy Sychów przy starzym polskim Lwowie.
, Львів, Україна
06-08-2007 13:28 |
Як на мене, то це дуже цікавий і інформативний фільм. Я сам львів`янин і можу оцінити достовірність сказаного і показаного. Все дуже гарно знято і я думаю, що навіть найкращий знавець історії Львова знайде щось нове для себе.
, Chicago, IL, USA
23-07-2007 00:10 |
An interesting, educational film - one would think. With only a few minutes through, I found the english translation too painful... so I had my aunt from L'viv watch the rest while I toured the city using the "slovnychok" provided.
, Южний, Україна
06-07-2007 21:42 |
Диск сподобався, хоча очікував на щось інше, навіть не знаю що саме. Але загалом дуже добре зроблено. Фільм розповідає про історію міста. Дуже багато інформації про львівські кам’яниці та музеї. Звичайно охопити все неможливо, але подивившись цей диск, неможливо не полюбити це місто, бо де хочеш йди і як знаєш роби, та за щастям їдь лиш до Львова