, Киев, Украина
22-01-2008 17:56 |
Жаль что в фильме говорят на старом гуцульском языке,ничегог не понятно!!!Да и книга читаетс яочень тяжело!!!Я не довольна!!!
, Полтава, Україна
28-01-2007 21:31 |
Фільм чудовий!Спочатку я прочитала книжку, а потім подивилася фільм.Супер.
, Chicago, USA
30-11-2006 19:54 |
This movie is one of the classic of the world culture. It has the same artistic feeling as films done by Felini and Bergman. Traditions of Hutzul’s and Carpathian mountains should be studied in art schools. Very nice.
Виктория С.
10-09-2006 11:50 |
Фильм хороший. Дуаю все, учишиеся в средней школ, знакомы с содержанием. Хотела приобрест его а диске. И вот нашла на этом сайте :)
, Groningen, Netherlands
10-06-2006 23:54 |
Very pleased with product. Good value for money. Fast shipment. Safely packaged. No problems with playing it on my iMac and NAD562 dvd-player. Rare find of early film by Paradzjanov. As a film not an exciting attention-grabber, but very true in its civilization-depiction and offering pure encounters with real people from another world.
, York, pa, usa
14-01-2006 02:41 |
I am satisfied with what I bought. The DVD would not run on my TV-DVD or my Compaq computer, but on my daughters Dell laptop from college it worked fine. Not knowing much Ukrainian was a hindrance, but the photography and visual techniques got the message across. My purpose was primarily historical research of my Rusyn ancestors' customs, and this was useful, as well as the trembita players. Thank you, Mikhailo S Bohom
, Herndon, USA
24-11-2005 17:55 |
Great movie. I've seen it a couple of times since I've got it. There is no need for subtitles.
, London, UK
27-08-2005 22:06 |
I am glad to say that my discs arrived all the way from the Ukraine, and I am watching one even now. The image and sound quality are superb, better even than the worn and aged celluloid copy that must be the only one in the UK. As it only gets shown about once every ten years, having it on a video CD is certainly a quantum leap in my opportunity to enjoy watching one of Paradjanov's masterpieces - which it surely is. And even the lack of subtitles is an irrelevance, as the episodic nature of the narrative is easy to follow through the stages of the hero's life. I am going to try and buy some more of these period Russian and Ukrainian films, as they are just so life-affirming
10-08-2005 07:21 |
"Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors" does not need any comments. It is delicious.