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Stracheni svitanky. "Remember Our History..." Series. (DVD). (Executed Dawns)

Reviews (1)
Stracheni svitanky. "Remember Our History..." Series. (DVD). (Executed Dawns)
Bolshevists aim to set their rules on the lands of the Western Ukraine repeatedly occupied by them. UPA – the partisan army – resists their policy. Civil population becomes a hostage of this war "without rules", and above all – relatives of the insurgents. Invaders and their allies cruelly torture Ukrainian people, but the struggle continues. Irritated, "bolshevists" start evicting people to Siberia. UPA tries to prevent this action, but the forces are not equal... Insurgents can only take revenge and punish the executioners.

Producer: National Film Studio named after O. Dovzhenko, 1995.

Producer: Grigoriy Kohan

Acting: Sergiy Romanyuk, Georgiy Morozyuk, Les' Serdyuk, Anastasiya Serdyuk, Volodymyr Tereschuk, Iryna Melnyk, Svitlana Prus, Viktor Stepanenko, Oleksandr Bystrushkin.

The movie is in Ukrainian.

Video format - PAL.

DVD Region: All.

Publisher: Nash Format
Year: 2009

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See also:

Chotyry lysty fanery. Golden Collection of Ukrainian Films. (DVD). (Four Pieces of Plywood)

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Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

The Company of Heroes. (2 VideoCD).

Events of the film "Iron Hundred" take a place in 1944-1947 in the territory of Western Ukraine and Eastern Poland.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Reviews (1)

  , Київ, Україна
25-01-2010 18:35

З великим інтересом поглянув фільм Григорія Кохана "Страчені світанки"! Дуже серйозна і професійна робота!
Щиро рекомендую його тим, хто до цих пір залишається зомбований комуністичною брехнею!!! Вічна пам'ять воїнам УПА, всім борцям за незалежність нашої Батьківщини - України!!! Низький мій уклін хлопцям і дівчатам, які віддалі своє жіття за нашу свободу!