Catalogue -> Electro-Acoustic Experiments -> Electro-Acoustic

Critical. Graphorrhea.

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Critical. Graphorrhea.

Critical is, as known, a joint project, a mobile construction. Participants in it may be replaced from one event to another – however, not all of them. Thus, in this release Andriy Kyrychenko and Dmytro Kotra are accompanied by Tobias Astrom and Jeff Surak – and the joint work by so diverse musicians, maybe, just could not be homogeneous, unambiguous. Therefore, having paid attention to the black-and-white design of the cover, also pay attention to that actually it is saturated with delicate patterns of various degrees of complication. Just as the content of the disc – it is only at first sight that it seems rather simple... However, gradually – almost unnoticeably but persistently – the number of lines, layers, bands, aftersounds, parallel and independent steps grows. And all of that flows, sounds, disappears without pressure without transforming into structured noise – with appearance of new details previous ones somehow modestly grow transparent, after which they disappear in the English manner. This is not city graffiti – but urban graphics, if you like. Simultaneously rich and ascetic, quiet and swift. Self-sufficient.

this time Critical were:
Dmytro "Kotra" Fedorenko - track constructions and arrangements, bass, drums, programming, synthetics
Andrey Kiritchenko - computer, acoustic guitar, field recordings
Tobias Astrom - feedback/effects, manipulated recordings of long lost cities/memories
Jeff Surak - autoharp, microcassettes, processing

Publisher: NexSound
Catalogue number: ns60
Year: 2007

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:

Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
1.  Tesseract Of Distrust
2. Mp3Wail Absorption
3.  Scud Twitcher
4. Mp3Cheerful Nimiety
5.  Wrath Rationale
6. Mp3Rapture Periods
7.  Sine Verbiage
8. Mp3Sonic Brood
9.  Mind Opacity
10. Mp3Linear Fear
11.  The Prime Seed
12.  The Place Below End
13.  The Truce
 Total playing time: 39:39

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

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