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Tartak. Pershyj komercijnyj. /digi-pack/

Reviews (3)
Tartak. Pershyj komercijnyj. /digi-pack/

Do you think that you know about “Tartak” and the ability of this group to throw a fair amount of furious energy into the air? It seems to me that this album will change a bit the deep-rooted opinion of this phenomenon of the Ukrainian variety art. And not because the trinitrotoluol equivalent of this music has become even greater than it used to be before. You’d rather say that the creative activities of the group turned into an explosive of quite a different level. Not in the last place we can thank all those “acid additions” that worked at this album. So, on the one hand we have renewed arrangements of famous compositions – but on the other hand we have the quality that does not storm from without, but sprouts inside of a listener. In other words, in this particular case the mentioned furious energy has found an interesting, diverse, deeply acid, but still not less deeply alive embodiment. I mean that maturing of “Tartak” becomes apparent in acquiring this important skill as an appropriate usage of pauses. Even earlier all that was interesting and stabbing, but now it is much better that it used to be.

Anton Jozhik Lejba (Hedgehog)

Publisher: Astra Records
Year: 2005

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:

Domestic price: 390.04UAH
International price: $19.90USD
1.  Kupujte Nashe! (Molotov 20)
2.  Bu-2Cha-Ka (tka4_euroremont_overtime)
3.  SlovoBL (tsl^
4.  Tak Prosto (Nenza mix)
5.  Kazaty Katja (NASR rmx)
6. Mp3Everybody (Molotov 20)
7.  Sontse Peche (Mein Phunk FaSSung)
8.  Ja Hochu (Andrij Frantsuz rmx)
9.  Idy Ty Sujsja (Alexander Slootsky)
10. Mp3Zhu Jemene Zhu Rba (Kofein_rmx (Aby MC)
11.  Sontse Kydaje Zgory (FDRrmx)
12.  DanZesYoY (tsl^
13.  Mama Ljubyt' Tata (Wet Dream'n'Bass FS RMX)
14. Mp3SMS (Mio CorazonVersion) (Kofein_rmx (Aby MC)
15. Mp3BoRoDaRuDa (NASR rmx)
16.  Jak Uzhe Nabrydlo (Alexander Slootsky)
17.  Ljubov Ukrala Nich (Kofein_rmx (Aby MC)
 Total playing time: 74:00

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Alena Vinnitskaya. Electro.

...this album may serve far not only for dancing. Though it is announced as a dancing one, it is interesting and pleasant just to listen to it. As for me, it is here that Aljona Vinnytska has come very closely to her own format, correct exactly for her.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Qzzaargh, Perkalaba. Qzzaargh vs. Perkalaba.

There are "Perkalaba" group works pulverized with Kuzia muscle on the disk. It's now more clear but multilayer, something more sad but philosophic...
Domestic price: 644.84UAH, International price: $32.90USD

Shock! Super Dance Ukraine.

It is that modern Ukrainian pop art, which has had no time yet to become paunchy and boring, but it is not already too young and inexperienced. But none of the compositions presented here sound in an original version - all are remixed.
Domestic price: 182.28UAH, International price: $9.30USD

Reviews (3)

  Yarko , L'viv, USA
01-03-2006 00:57

Ya tsilkom zhidnyy z Sharom - yedyna prychyna chomu ya kupyv tsey CD - bo to TARTAK i tam ye Àáè ÌÑ i "Ni, Ya Ne tu Kokhav". Ale shcho tut khotity - nazva hovoryt' sama za sebe - dlia komertsiyi - TOZH KUPUYTE VSI - TARTAK TOHO VARTYY.

  , Êàíàäà
25-02-2006 23:13

Çà âèíÿòêîì ðåì³êñ³â Àáè ÌÑ öåé àëüáîì - æàõ ñóö³ëüíèé. ß âêðàé ðîç÷àðîâàíà.

04-02-2006 19:26

Cey dysk remixiv prosto naykrashche sho ya chuv z bud' yakyh remixiv. Proponuu vsij molodi prosluhaty ne pozgaliyete!!!