Zelene (Green): "I think that modern interpretation of the traditional Ukrainian music, which is presented in this album, is one of the steps not only forward, but also deep down. In the first place - deep down. As for me, this attempt seems to be a success."
Vesil‘ni (Wedding): "As for me, the wedding with such musical background could attract attention not only with merry mood but with extraordinary uniqueness as well. Trust me that such kind of the performance both with difficult rhythms of modern electronic music is something amazing."
Osjayni (Effulgent): "Rhythms of "Osjayni" bewitch with their soft, silent pace. Marta, in her turn, also obviously appears here not by chance. Her voice has a very interesting feature – it somehow inexplicably combines in itself the past and the future. It seems to be native – and somehow not from here."
Format: mp3, 192 kbps.
Disclamer: All software proposed AS IS. We do not guarantee that it will be working on your PC. We have tested every CD on our PC and it works fine.