She is so little and tiny that it is even hard to imagine that such a great amount of different kinds of voices are contained in her. Anyway they are not only contained but co-exist organic, making queer delicate flower. Katia Chilly was probably the first who have joined authentic Ukrainian melody and the hi-tech style of music several years ago and then disappeared. But she have come back in order to take the lead over the rest of her colleagues for at least on one step forward. In music world which she created the folklore tune, folk songs themselves, modern music with the electronic polyrhythmic stuffing and something from opera in the vocal are rebraided together. All of this creates an unforgettable effect. It’s like you are tasting something cool, sunny and bitter at once. I don’t know why but in this case glass and metal constructions do not destroy flax and wooden aesthetic but underline its significant being on the contrary. And this relation is loop back, because life exists even in an inanimate things. Strange, interesting and unexpected.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Ukrainian records Catalogue number: UR-0905-2 Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Katya Chilly
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Krashen vechir
2. |
| Pivni |
3. |
| Tebe nema |
4. |
| Vyshen'ka |
5. |
 | Krasno-jasno
6. |
| Syn |
7. |
| Ja – molodaja |
8. |
| Ponad hmaramy |
9. |
| Electronique superstar |
10. |
| Krynychen'ka |
11. |
 | Sonce
12. |
| Zozulja |
13. |
 | Ljubov moja
| Total playing time: 55:03 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
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Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
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Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
, киев
26-09-2008 13:40 |
Какая Катя талантливая! Это как глоток свежего воздуха среди поющих трусов, лобод и могилевских!
, Sevilla, Spain
06-03-2008 17:08 |
Не люблю бути банальною але я також в захваті від диску!Така якісна робота! А поєднання сучасної електроники з давніми українськими піснями це просто дивовижний результат! Я дуже задоволена диском!
25-05-2007 01:00 |
, Київ, Наша УКРАЇНА
14-05-2007 15:24 |
Дуже непоганий диск! Дякую Каті!
, Тампере, Суомі
26-03-2007 22:59 |
, Теплодар, Україна
15-02-2007 13:35 |
чудовий диск переслуховував його безліч раз брав з собою в мандрівку мотоциклом до Індії - іранці були просто у захваті, всім іншим дуже сподобалось дякую Каті за її роботу дякую умкам за їх працю :)
, Barcelona, Spain
30-12-2006 13:42 |
, Munich, Germany
29-12-2006 20:41 |
Powerful voice, specially in Krashen vechir. Original mixture of roots and modern times. I am glad I bought this CD, it keeps me going in my exploring.
, Tarzana, United States
20-11-2006 07:14 |
Although i do not understand the lyrics of her c/d, the haunting vocal quality of Katia and the uniqueness of her style and production transcends any lanuage barriers and this is certainly a c/d for all time! I look forward to more from her.
, j, j
26-09-2006 23:08 |
, Pismo Beach, CA, U.S.A.
01-09-2006 21:48 |
I did not know exactly what to expect when I purchased this CD. I was very pleasantly surprised! Katya is a giant among vocal artists. Her music and singing are truly innovative -- a breath of fresh, clean air. Do not hesitate to buy this CD!
, Edmonton, Canada
24-07-2006 18:35 |
This is a world-class album -- both the content and the production are excellent! I particularly enjoy the songs where she incorporates elements of the folk tradition --- it's a wonderfully positive general trend that can be heard in a lot of the new music on Molode Radio. (Apropos, I would love to get a copy of Katya Chilly's first recording, "Rusalka in da House", which I know was on audio cassette.)
, Київ
03-07-2006 14:49 |
She's simply the best!!!
, Cardiff, UK
27-06-2006 15:41 |
Now this is not really my style... I prefer hard guitars, heavy sounds, and if there's one thing I hate it's darkwave EBM techno wanna-be Goth music. So I was pleasantly surprised by Katja Chilly... no, more than that, I was pretty amazed! I don't know many other musicians who can make electronics 'come alive' like this (Jean-Michel Jarre is one, but very different...). Thank the web - without downloads to sample, I would never even have considered buying this album. How would you classify this stuff? I can easily imagine she's pretty unique and I want her to play at my concert!!!
Олечка О.
, Київ, Україна
18-06-2006 19:43 |
Я в піднесенні від такої музики. Високо і глибоко. Близько до мене. Надихає. І я впевнююсь в тому, що знала. Дякую!! Дуже світло і радісно і сильно. Катя Chilly - велика молодчинка! Славна відрусса! Любові!
sunny indie
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD