Catalogue -> Modern Pop -> Ethno-Pop

Marta Shpak. Na svitanku. /digi-pack/. (At Dawn)

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Marta Shpak. Na svitanku. /digi-pack/. (At Dawn)
For the first time, the general public met Marta Shpak through the disc "ILLuminated" – a joint project with Hera (aka Molotov20, a former member of Skryabin band, now a regular participant of the groups Dazzle Dreams and Druha Rika). But while the album "Illuminated" was mildly experimental, "At Dawn" – by the way, Marta's first solo album – is a moderate option for the combination of folklore and variety art. Actually, folklore motifs are woven into the music here – and ethnic connotations often loom through the performance manner as well. However, the lyrics here are for the most part those by the author – and, incidentally, the author of almost half of the texts in the album is the singer herself. But in general, "At Dawn" still sounds as a certain continuation of the traditions founded by the Ukrainian VIAs back in the 1970's and 1980's. In other words, in short – this is author pop music with bright national colors. And, maybe, the fans will be interested to know that for the song "Believe Me" the saxophone solo is performed by Oleh Levytsky, a member of the famous jazz-rock project "Braty Blusu".

Publisher: 6 seconds
Year: 2009

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Marta Shpak

Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
1. Mp3The Stork (Leleka)
2.  The Pipe (Sopilka)
3. Mp3Believe Me (Poviruy meni)
4.  At All Times (Na vsi chasy)
5. Mp3Lullaby (Kolyskova)
6.  I Will Go To the Far Hills (Ja pidu v daleki hory)
7. Mp3The Little Falcons (Sokoljata)
8.  Let Sing, Brothers (Zaspivaymo brattja)
9. Mp3Ballade About a Violinist (Balada pro skrypalja)
10.  The Crane's Fortune (Zhuravlyna dolja)
11. Mp3Bukovyna
12.  Sing an Encore (Na bis)
13.  Believe In Yourself (Povir u sebe)
14.  My Ukraine (Moja Ukrajina)
15.  At Daybreak (Na svitanku)
 Total playing time: 58:35

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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