Catalogue -> Modern Pop -> Ethno-Pop

Ukrainian Barvy. Vinochok. (Diadem)

Reviews (1)
Ukrainian Barvy. Vinochok. (Diadem)
It is not for the first time that we present Kyiv group "Ukrayinski barvy" to your attention. Frankly speaking, with the course of time it is more and more pleasant to do that. They treat a song with light perceptible tenderness. I would rather say, with appropriateness. They are not simply technical professionals. The songs they perform acquire such sincerity which is hard not to be noticed. They touch you. At that, it is not important whether you listen to cheerful "Ukrainian rock’n’roll", unhurried and deep "Oh, on Ivan’s day!" or something else. They all touch your soul, though they do it in a different way. They are all approaching gladness.

Publisher: Atlantic
Year: 2003

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Ukrainian Barvy

Domestic price: 292.04UAH
International price: $14.90USD
1. Mp3De zh ty idesh, Janichku
2. Mp3Kolyskova
music: folk song from Lemko region
3.  Za Dunajem
4.  Tam za hajem
5. Mp3Ukrajins'kyj rok-n-rol
6.  Oj, na Ivana
7.  Ty do mene ne hody
8. Mp3Tanok
music: M. Skoryk
9.  Majoran
music: folk song from Lemko region
10.  Zaspivaju sy spivanku
music: folk songs from Western Ukraine
11.  Oj tam u L'vovi
 Total playing time: 34:12

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Reviews (1)

  , Bristol, UK
20-01-2007 12:58

Great, the best interpretations of Ukrainian folk I have come across. Authentic and performed with style and originality. Would recomment to anybody.