What is a little girl singing about? What is a marriageable girl singing about? And what is a woman singing about? Loved, abandoned, a business woman, a housewife, unruly, tender, poor, rich - what is a woman singing about? Isn't she singing about love? May be, she is singing about money, politics, war, starvation, petroleum prices, change of the interior. She is singing about love. Sorry, and who is Nadia Krutova-Shestak? Isn't she a woman? She is a woman. That is why it is quite possible to guess what she is singing about. And it is good. And doesn't it amaze anybody that whatever a woman is singing about, actually she is always singing about love? It is worth while thinking about. I mean, it is worth for men, because women understood long ago what is the most important thing in this world. And may be not only in this world. It is worth while thinking about. And at the same time to listen to how a woman called Nadija (Hope) is singing songs about truth, which is called Ljubov (Love).
Publisher: Atlantic
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- Nadija Shestak
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