As you can easily understand, this collection presents the best Ukrainian folk songs. It presents classical songs, which are classically performed – really great stars perform them. You can hear not only Rotaru and Motviyenko here, but also Ohnevyi, the Baiko sisters, the Marenychy trio, as well as “Kobza”, “Vatra”, “Lybid” – there’s no sense to mention all performers, since all of them are the first among equal. Still, with all this classicism, it is pleasant to note that the songs that are presented at this disc are not hackneyed or boring to be heard as, for example, “Vodohrai”. This song is undoubtedly wonderful, but it is not the only wonderful song performed by, let's say, Sofia Rotaru. The same attitude is assumed to all performers, whose singing is recorded at this disc – after all, there was more than one song in the repertoire of each of them that could fill the soul of listeners with something light and warm. This is exactly that nuance, thanks to which this collection favourably – and even very favourably – differs from other collections of the best Ukrainian folk songs, to which we have already got used. May be that’s why the feeling of delicacy and tenderness appears with you – as you listen to these songs more attentively than usually.
Publisher: Taras Bulba Entertainment Catalogue number: TBE - 027 - 2 Year: 2005
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
...here, one can hear remarkable, very beautiful Ukrainian romances – this is, however surprising, quite a rare genre. Still, the contents of the album does not go down to romances only – for, as we already mentioned, the ensemble feels easy in various genres.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
14-12-2010 12:11 |
Ну а ми популяризуємо українську музику вже 11 років. І, якщо можна, будемо сподіватись, що до музикантів і видавців почнуть ставитись як до людей, які мають право отримувати гроші за те, чим вони займаються )
, Біла Церква, Україна
14-12-2010 11:48 |
Я вражений цією збіркою,але чому не можливо скачати безкоштовно ций альбом,ажде популяризувати українську музику за гроші це - марення,тому будемо надіяться на те,що кожен зуміє завантажити улюблений свій трек безкоштовно.
Olga Nazarenko
10-12-2006 22:33 |
I found this tape that wasn't on other sites. It is just what reminds me of my mother as she grew up in Ukraine. The language is the same and the songs are so pure and sweet, It's such a happy cd made of various artists, one of the best of everything I ever heard except for Nina Matvienko, which her style is different but impressive in a opera style. Thank you for you good service. Olga Nazarenko
, Odessa, Ukraina
27-11-2006 00:42 |
А песня с заглавия что отсутствует? А я ее искала, Матвиенко как-то исполняла ла капелла- просто чудо ! Может кто знает есть єта запись гдето на дисках?
, Люблін, Польща
25-02-2006 18:54 |
Дуже гарне...
, waianaie, hawaii, usa
30-10-2005 09:37 |
I first heard vodohrai on "kozakuite kozaki. Talk about being impressed !!! Threyndo kozak music with respect. Please let me know of future releases. I am firstgeneratuion us. My parents were of the diaspora. It is such a joy to hear the younger generation perform the way they do. Vsche ne Vmerla Ukraina!!
, Odesa, Ukraine
09-10-2005 14:35 |
Дякую за диск...Дуже гарний дарунок для моэъ мами :-) Та й мены дуже подобаэться ;-)
, The netherlands
10-09-2005 18:22 |
The title let's me think about Ruslana!! Hey hey
06-09-2005 18:54 |
Класс. Мне нравится!
, Днепр
06-09-2005 18:53 |
slow drive
Domestic: 448.84UAH
International: $22.90USD