There will never be too much of discs like that. The same with their reproduction. At least because in general the notion of Ukrainian folk songs by half comprises of the idea that these songs are mostly doleful. Here add the interest to jokes as they are - after all, if you know the way a nation makes jokes, you have good chances to understand this nation. And if you understand these jokes - all the more. Plus educative element. Shall we go further? Mostly, comic songs are accompanied by major music. There are some exceptions, of course, but as a rule, such music excites high spirits – this will not be excess, either. Now some words about this disc itself. Besides everything mentioned above. Here a real cocktail of nice and famous performers can be found. Alla Kudlai, Kostyantyn Ohnevyi, vocal ensemble of the chorus named after Hryhoriy Veryovka, Raisa Kyrychenko, duet “Two Colors” and others. Now, I think, you know what to expect of it.
Publisher: Taras Bulba Entertainment Catalogue number: TBE-011-2 Year: 2004
Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Ty do mene ne hody (Mariya Stefyuk) |
2. |
| I shumyt', i hudje (Mariya Stefyuk) |
3. |
| Vyjdy, Hrycju, na vulycju (Cherkas'kyj ukrajins'kyj narodnyj hor) |
4. |
| Oj pid vyshneju (V. Jesypok) |
5. |
| Jak posijav muzhyk ta j u poli jachmin' (V. Jesypok) |
6. |
| Na tareli dribnyj syr (Maria Mykolaichuk) |
7. |
 | Buv sobi zhuravel' (ansambl' Chumac'kyj shljah")
8. |
| Oj chervonyj burjachok (Alla Kudlay) |
9. |
| I vchora v kumy (Diana ta Vasyl' Matjuschenky) |
10. |
| A hto bachyv, a hto chuv (vokal'nyj ansambl' horu jim H Ver'ovky) |
11. |
| Byla mene maty (T. Duk) |
12. |
 | Oj ustanu ja v ponedilok (T. Duk)
13. |
| Kazav meni bat'ko (Ja. Hnatjuk) |
14. |
| Oj prodala divchyna kurku (trio bandurystok NRKU A Shut'ko, S Petrova, A Marchenko) |
15. |
| Zadumav didochok, zadumav zhenyt'sja (trio bandurystok NRKU A Shut'ko, S Petrova, A Marchenko) |
16. |
| Iz syrom pyrohy (Ju. Fesenko, ansambl' Korobejnyky) |
17. |
| Oj, ja, moloda, na bazar hodyla (ansambl' Veseli muzyky") |
18. |
| Divka v sinjah stojala (M. Rakov, O. Taranec') |
19. |
| Koly b meni zranku (ansambl' Veseli muzyky") |
20. |
| Zhuravel' (V. Zarkov) |
21. |
| Kynu kuzhil' (V. Synel'nyk) |
22. |
| Hospodarochka (V. Synel'nyk) |
23. |
 | Handzja
(Kostiantyn Ohnevyj) |
24. |
| Harbuz bilyj kachajet'sja (trio bandurystok S Myrvoda, T Malomuzh, L Hopkalo) |
25. |
| Divchyno, rybchyno (kapela bandurystiv Bohuslavs'koho rajonnoho budynku kul'tury) |
26. |
| Ishov kozak potajkom (ansambl' "Perlyna") |
27. |
 | Hrycju, Hrycju, do roboty
(Raisa Kyrychenko) |
28. |
| Dobryj vechor, susidon'ko (S. Olexijenko M. Partyka, ansambl' "Verhovyna") |
29. |
| Z toho chasu, jak zhenyvsja (V. Hrycjuk) |
30. |
| A hto bachyv, a hto chuv (trio "Lybid'") |
31. |
| Pidmanula, pidvela ("Dva Koliory" Duo) |
| Total playing time: 65:30 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
...here, one can hear remarkable, very beautiful Ukrainian romances – this is, however surprising, quite a rare genre. Still, the contents of the album does not go down to romances only – for, as we already mentioned, the ensemble feels easy in various genres.
Domestic price: 222.60UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
The group likes to arrange folk songs – and often chooses not too well-known variants for this purpose. Here and there, own, author songs by "Susidy" appear among folk ones – but this is even not always noticeable at once, because everything is done in the same stylistics. It happened so this time again.
Domestic price: 180.60UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
..the new disc is special for three reasons at once. The first one: until now, no discs devoted to Ukrainian folk dances have yet been released within the limits of the collection. The second – in this case, you will almost not see known names. Well, and the third reason is already more habitual: you will hardly be able to find the recordings represented here anywhere else, in fact, they were made especially for the NRCU funds.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Levko Durko, as usual, does not limit himself to just collecting enough songs for an album and releasing it. As he says himself, songs do not come to him upon request – an impulse from outside is needed. Some event, a funny scene, conversation or even simply a word – and only then songs appear quite independently. Thus, as you see, not one by one, but in real thematic cycles.
Domestic price: 138.60UAH,
International price: $9.90USD
Well, here is an absolutely fresh creation by Levko Durko. If his previous discs were intended, in fact, for children, this one will be able to cheer up adults as well. Actually, it is even advisable not to offer this disc to the junior generation – it contains such jokes that may be heard only in an adult company.
Domestic price: 138.60UAH,
International price: $9.90USD
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slow drive
Domestic: 306.60UAH
International: $21.90USD