Gravlyky Supersonics. Poludenna nich. ("The Lay of the Host of Igor", extended version). (2CD). (Noonday Night) | | Track Reviews (8) |
"The Lay of the Host of Igor" is one of the best known and the brightest sights of the Old Rus literature. The dramatic might of this work has always struck both research experts and ordinary readers – and inspired talented people for creativity. Thus, meet – the new Ukrainian rock opera "Noonday Night" is based exactly on the "Lay...". Actually, the very fact of creating such rock opera already causes respect – in fact, one should have certain boldness to make an attempt to translate the "Lay..." into the language of modern art. On the other hand, it looks a logical progress of the state of affairs – in view of that it is rock-folk that is acquiring more and more development and scope in Ukraine. However, this work stands out not only due to its music constituent. First of all, there are fragments of the original text – words "from the author" are included here in the archaic language. Secondly, the rock opera is rich in dramatic dialogs – they sound in modern language. Therefore, conversations of the characters create tense action here, which complements the music constituent, satiates the work with information and emotions. Well, and thirdly – certainly, the music. The word "rock" implies here a great number of interconnected styles. Metal, punk, rock ballads, bossa nova, blues, etc. – and all that, to a certain extent, echoes to Ukrainian folklore. We could say that "Gravlyky Supersonics" used elements of the majority of genres of modern music that are not covered by the definition of "pop" in order to emphasize nuances of the plot. And they approached this business with fantasy, it is worth listening to. And in case the occasion happens – to watch as well, as this is, in addition to all the rest, a virtual performance as well. However, it is for a while possible to watch it only live, during performances.
Publisher: Vesna Music Catalogue number: VM0015 Year: 2007
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- Gravlyky Supersonics
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CD1 |
1. |
| Intro. "Nje ljepo ly bjashet', bratije veschija pъrsty na zhyvaja struny vskladashe..." |
2. |
3. |
| "Pochnemo zhe, bratije, povjest' siju otъ staraho Vladymera do nynjeshnjaho Yhorja..."
4. |
| Dija, v jakij Ihor zbyrajet'sja jty v pohid i zhorstko, ale z doleju humoru, obgruntovuje svoje rishennja |
5. |
6. |
| Dija, v jakij bojary vyslovljujut' svoji sumnivy |
7. |
| Dija, v jakij Svjatoslav namahajet'sja vidmovyty Ihorja vid pohodu
8. |
| Dija, v jakij Jaroslavna vmovljaje Ihorja zalyshytys', ale marno
9. |
10. |
| Dija, v jakij vojiny Ihorja bachat' sonjachne zatemnennja i ljakajut'sja |
11. |
12. |
| Dija, v jakij Ihor nadyhaje vojakiv prodovzhuvaty pohid |
13. |
| Dija, v jakij Ihor i Vsevolod natrapljajut' na tabir polovciv ta obhovorjujut' plan napadu |
14. |
| P’JaTNYCJa |
15. |
| Dija, v jakij han Hza zhalijet'sja hanu Konchaku na napad rusychiv |
16. |
| BIDA |
17. |
| Dija, v jakij polovci zbyrajut'sja navzdohin Ihorevi |
18. |
19. |
| Dija, v jakij vijs'ko Ihorja popadaje v otochennja i hyne |
20. |
| "Chto my shumyt', chto my zvenyt' daleche rano predъ zorjamy..." |
21. |
| Total playing time: 65:00 |
CD2 |
1. |
| Dija, v jakij Svjatoslav rozpovidaje bojaram svij son
2. |
| POKYNUTY BY (Dyvnyj son) |
3. |
| POKYNUTY BY (Dyvnyj son) |
4. |
5. |
| KOHANYJ MIJ (Plach Jaroslavny)
6. |
| Dija, v jakij Konchak vmovljaje Ihorja prystaty do polovciv |
7. |
| Dija, v jakij Konchak ta Hza rozmovljajut' pro Ihorja
8. |
| Dija, v jakij rozkryvajut'sja spravzhni zadumy Konchaka schodo Ihorja |
9. |
10. |
| Dija, v jakij Ihor z Ovlurom hovajut'sja vid pohoni, Hza skazhenije, a Konchak majsterno derzhyt' minu |
11. |
12. |
| Dija, v jakij Hza ne vtrachaje nadiji vyklykaty Ihorja na dvobij, ale Konchak prypynjaje pohonju |
13. |
| Dija, v jakij Ihor padaje duhom, pereosmysljuje svoji vchynky i zminjuje svoje stavlennja do zhyttja
14. |
| Ja VZhE JDU |
| | Bonus:
15. |
| MOJa KRAJiNA (politychne rehhi) |
16. |
| SPJaT KURHANY TEMNYE (Ljuby Ukrajinu) |
| Total playing time: 60:46 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
..and one can hear here verses by Stus, Sosyura, Ukrainka, Lysheha, Shevchenko – just listen how up-to-date the lines written by these people in the seemingly different epochs sound. Although in some general sense, they belong to the same epoch – that of self-realization. "Hit that rock"...
Domestic price: 208.60UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
This album is really like an explosion, about which you suddenly understand that it is not so much an explosion outside, but most likely an explosion inside. When you look through the window, it moves away. When you knock on the door, it moves near. When you pass by, it is over.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Well, here is an absolutely fresh creation by Levko Durko. If his previous discs were intended, in fact, for children, this one will be able to cheer up adults as well. Actually, it is even advisable not to offer this disc to the junior generation – it contains such jokes that may be heard only in an adult company.
Domestic price: 138.60UAH,
International price: $9.90USD
, Киев, Украина
03-04-2013 14:08 |
больше новостей о Гравликах - здесь
23-09-2010 13:31 |
Скоро выпустит :) немного терпения :) А 7 октября будет играть в Прайме на Кудрявском ;)
28-05-2010 02:16 |
Насколько нам известно - нет, не выпускала.
, Киев
27-05-2010 23:08 |
а что-то еще эта группа выпускала?
, Kieff, Ukraine
08-10-2009 12:15 |
Однозначно зачет! Советую всем!
, Kiev, Ukraine
18-06-2007 18:41 |
Громкое название "Рок-опера" полностью себя оправдывает! Поначалу относился с подозрением,но интересом. Хорошая идея,качественное исполнение,разнообразие жанров. Найсс))
, киев
18-06-2007 18:41 |
Лол. жгут.
наконец то я немного узнал о сабже
, kiev, Ukraine
15-06-2007 17:21 |
Альбом можно выдвигать на премию самый большой альбом года :)) Конецептуально. А песня Вербы меня вставляет :))