It is not the first time when we introduce here the quartet "Hetman" – it is already the third album. And, if you have listened to the previous two – you already know: "Hetman" stands out due to an extraordinarily positive mood, this quartet is able to sing so that all sad or, say, concerned reflections are washed off as if with a wave. A strong wave, we should say. It would seem that these are just four voices – but what kind of! It still matters that each of the vocalists has in his repertoire not only folk songs but also chamber classic pieces and even opera arias – therefore, probably, it is no wonder that they sing not only clearly but also mightily. Moreover, the quartet's repertoire also mainly consists of songs that are, so to say, cheerful, and the arrangements are corresponding, that is why even in lyrical pieces one feels – internal force. By the way, speaking about the repertoire: on the third album "Hetman" did not limit itself to Ukrainian songs – and you can see it. But, regardless of the language of performance, the key thing remains unchanged – that very charge of optimism, due to which "Hetman" from the very start attracted lots of admirers of the Ukrainian variety art.
Publisher: UKRmusic Catalogue number: UM-CD 223 Year: 2010
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Hetman quartet
Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD