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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
Artists :   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
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Catalogue -> Video -> Historical

History of Ukraine. Animated Educational and Informative Series. (2DVDs).

Reviews (5)
History of Ukraine. Animated Educational and Informative Series. (2DVDs).
This release is, strictly speaking, a deepened, a bit more detailed successor of the already familiar to you super popular project "Krajina. The History of the Ukrainian Lands".

"The series evidently and illustratively tells us about bright, known and neglected events that happened in the life of Ukraine. It is based on works by historians - such, as M. Hrushevsky, N. Polonska-Vasylenko, D. Doroshenko, D. Yavornytsky et al.


- history of early settlements in the territory of Ukrainian lands (the Crimea)

- Kyiv Rus and Galytsko-Volynske Kingdom

- Ukraine in composition of the Great Lithuanian and Rus Principality and Rzeczpospolita

- history of Zaporizhya Sich"

Director: Valery Babich

Screenwriter: Alexander Babich

Composer: Boris Kukob

Producers: Valery Babich, Vlad Ryashyn

Voice over: Bohdan Stupka

The movie is in Ukrainian.

Video format - PAL.

DVD Region: 1-8.

Publisher: Vikkon
Year: 2009

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  DVD 1:
1.  Kimmeriytsi, skify, sarmaty
2.  Antychni mista-derzhavy
3.  Zvychaji slov’jan
4.  Rus‘
5.  Askol‘d i Dir
6.  Oleh
7.  Ihor
8.  Ol‘ha
9.  Svjatoslav
10.  Viyna Svjatoslava z Vizantijeju
11.  Smert‘ Svjatoslava
12.  Jazychnyts‘ka vira u starodavnikh slov’jan
13.  Jaropolk. Oleh. Volodymyr. Pershyy rozbrat knjaziv
14.  Volodymyr
15.  Pokhody Volodymyra
16.  Khreshchennja Rusi
17.  Rus‘ke viys‘ko
18.  Torhivlja v Kyjivs‘kiy Rusi
19.  Remesla
20.  Svjatopolk Okajannyy. Borys i Hlib
21.  Viyna Jaroslava Mudroho proty Svjatopolka
22.  Pravlinnja Jaroslava Mudroho
23.  Rus‘ka pravda
24.  Izjaslav
25.  Kyjevo-Pechers‘kyy monastyr
26.  Velykyy knjaz‘ Vsevolod Jaroslavovych
27.  Viyna z Olehom
28.  Chasy knjazjuvannja Svjatoslava II Izjaslava
29.  Z’jizd u Ljubechi
30.  Prodovzhennja pravlinnja Svjatopolka II
31.  Prodovzhennja knjazjuvannja Svjatopolka II (1099-1113)
32.  Peremoha nad polovtsjamy
33.  Velykyy knjaz‘ Volodymyr Monomakh
34.  Velykyy knjaz‘ Volodymyr Monomakh (2-ha chastyna)
35.  Velykyy knjaz‘ Volodymyr Monomakh (3-tja chastyna)
36.  Povchannja Volodymyra Monomakha
37.  Velykyy knjaz‘ Mstyslav Velykyy (1125-1132) i Velykyy knjaz‘ Jaropolk (1132-1139)
38.  Velykyy knjaz‘ Vsevolod Ol‘hovych (1139-1146)
39.  Prodovzhennja knjazjuvannja Vsevoloda Ol‘hovycha (1139-1146)
40.  Ihor Ol‘hovych ta Izjaslav Mstyslavych (1146)
41.  Viyna Izjaslava Mstyslavycha z Jurijem Dovhorukym
42.  Smert‘ Volodymyra Halyts‘koho
43.  Rostyslav Mstyslavych i Juriy Dovhorukyy (1154-1157)
44.  Izjaslav III, Rostyslav ta Andriy Boholjubs‘kyy
45.  Mstyslav Izjaslavovych
46.  Borot‘ba za Kyjiv
47.  Jaroslav Halyts‘kyy Os‘momysl i Volodymyr Jaroslavovych
48.  Knjazhinnja Rjuryka v Kyjevi
49.  Slovo o polku Ihorevim
50.  Posylennja Halyts‘ko-Volyns‘koho vplyvu. Zanepad Kyjeva
  DVD 2:
1.  Roman Mstyslavovych, knjaz‘ Halyts‘kyy
2.  Borot‘ba za Halyts‘ko-Volyns‘ke knjazivstvo
3.  Pokhodzhennja tatar. Chynhizkhan
4.  Borot‘ba Mstyslava Udatnoho za halyts‘ki zemli
5.  Bytva na Kaltsi
6.  Mstyslav Udatnyy i Danylo Romanovych
7.  Danylo, knjaz‘ halyts‘kyy
8.  Nove nashestja tataro-monholiv
9.  Zruynuvannja Kyjeva
10.  Danylo – korol‘ halyts‘kyy
11.  Danylo Halyts‘kyy i monholy
12.  Lytovs‘ka ekspansija. Knjazi Hodemin ta Ol‘herd
13.  Jahaylo. Krevs‘ka unija
14.  Velykyy knjaz‘ lytovs‘kyy Vitovt
15.  Vitovt. Borot‘ba z Tevtons‘kym ordenom
16.  Svydryhaylo
17.  Kazymyr
18.  Kryms‘ke khanstvo
19.  Napad Menhli Heraja na Kyjiv
20.  Pochatok Sichi. Dmytro (Bayda) Vyshnevets‘kyy
21.  Ljublins‘ka unija
22.  Lytovs‘ki statuty
23.  Beresteys‘ka tserkovna unija 1596 roku
24.  Zaporoz‘ka Sich
25.  Pershi kozats‘ki povstannja
26.  Petro Konashevych Sahaydachnyy
27.  Petro Mohyla. Zasnuvannja Kyjevo-Mohyljans‘koji akademiji
28.  Kozats‘ki povstannja seredyny XVII stolittja
29.  Bohdan Khmel‘nyts‘kyy
30.  Bytva pid Zhovtymy Vodamy
31.  Bytva pid Korsunem
32.  Bytva pid Pyljavtsjamy
33.  Pokhid Khmel‘nyts‘koho na L‘viv
34.  Zustrich Bohdana Khmel‘nyts‘koho v Kyjevi. Perejaslavs‘ki perehovory
35.  Zbaraz‘ko-Zborivs‘ka kampanija
36.  Zborivs‘ka uhoda
37.  Ukrajins‘ka het‘mans‘ka derzhava
38.  Bytva pid Berestechkom
39.  Bytva pid Batohom
40.  Moldovs‘ki pokhody Bohdana Khmel‘nyts‘koho
41.  Zhvanets‘ka obloha 1653 roku
42.  Perejaslavs‘ka rada
43.  Bereznevi statti
44.  Vojenni diji u 1654-1655 rokakh
45.  Okhmativs‘ka bytva
46.  Zakhidnyy pokhid Bohdana Khmel‘nyts‘koho
47.  Vilens‘ke peremyr’ja
48.  Soratnyky Bohdana Khmel‘nyts‘koho
49.  Reyd Antona Zhdanovycha
50.  Smert‘ Bohdana Khmel‘nyts‘koho
See also:

Try istoriji Halychyny. (DVD). (Three Stories of Galicia)

The authors traveled in Halychyna for 4 years collecting memoirs of those whose lives had been changed by the war. The film speaks about how, in the bloody mincer of wars and cataclysms, one can stay human, how different nations can co-exist without clashes and fight...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

Golden September. The Galician Chronicles 1939-1941. (DVD).

Unification or occupation? Good or evil? The events of "Golden September" were for decades considered classified secret... This film is based on the testimony of the witnesses to these events – representatives of the Ukrainian, Polish and Jewish communities. Newsreels and commentary from leading scholars and historians are referenced throughout the documentary.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Fialka teroru. "Cinema Myths of History" Documentary Series. (DVD). (Violet of Terror)

We do not know the history of our own country. For more than half a century soviet ideologists zealously distorted its actual events, and the best way to force the distorted truth into people's minds was cinema. What secrets was the famous cinema myth by Mikhail Romm "Lenin in October" called to hide?
Domestic price: 233.24UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Slid kryvavyy stelet‘sja. "Cinema Myths of History" Documentary Series. (DVD). (Bloody Trace Trails)

We do not know the history of our own country. For more than half a century soviet ideologists zealously distorted its actual events, and the best way to force the distorted truth into people's minds was cinema. What secrets was the famous cinema myth by Olexander Dovzhenko "Schors" called to hide?
Domestic price: 233.24UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Pastka. "Cinema Myths of History" Documentary Series. (DVD). (Trap)

We do not know the history of our own country. For more than half a century soviet ideologists zealously distorted its actual events, and the best way to force he distorted truth into people's minds was cinema. What secrets was the famous cinema myth by Serhiy Herasymov "Moloda hvardija" (Young Guard) called to hide?
Domestic price: 233.24UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Sobor na krovi. Documentary serial (10 series). 3 DVDs. (A Council on the Blood)

“Sobor na krovi” serial is the first comprehensive and not biased look at the tragic history of the Ukrainian national liberation movement in 1919 – 1949 yeas. This movement is shown in the European history context.
Domestic price: 644.84UAH, International price: $32.90USD

Try ljubovi Stepana Bandery. (DVD). (Three Loves of Stepan Bandera)

For the first time in history: on the video - Stepan Bandera live. A unique chronicle of the war and post-war periods that captured Stepan Bandera and his sworn brothers and opponents is used in the video film. What role did women play in life of the Ukrainian leader?
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Reviews (5)

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Telnyuk Sisters, National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine. Nash Shevchenko. /DVD/. (Our Shevchenko)
Telnyuk: Sisters. Our Shevchenko. /DVD/
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Telnyuk Sisters. REHEARSAL (studio video project). (DVD).
studio video project. (DVD)
Domestic: 409.64UAH
International: $20.90USD
Try istoriji Halychyny. (DVD). (Three Stories of Galicia)
Three Stories of Galicia. (DVD)
Domestic: 292.04UAH
International: $14.90USD
My zdolajemo chas: posvyata Herojam. /DVD/. (We Will Defeat the Time: dedication to Heroes)
what's in our hands
Domestic: 213.64UAH
International: $10.90USD