Catalogue -> Video -> Historical

The Company Of Heroes. (DVD).

Reviews (5)
The Company Of Heroes. (DVD).

Events of the film "The Company Of Heroes" take a place in 1944-1947 in the territory of Western Ukraine and Eastern Poland. Characters of the film, which is based on real facts, are young Ukrainians who consciously join rows of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). In cruel grasp of war, where life and death always go hand in hand, they passed their way up to the end and remained unbroken and young…

The movie is in Ukrainian only. It has English subtitles.

Video format - PAL.

DVD Region: ALL.

Publisher: Classic
Catalogue number: CL-046
Year: 2006

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1.  The Company Of Heroes
2.  Film about the film "The Company Of Heroes": cinema as it is...
3.  A Word About Yuriy Borets (reporting from Sydney)
See also:

Chotyry lysty fanery. Golden Collection of Ukrainian Films. (DVD). (Four Pieces of Plywood)

The young, curious journalist Sofia (Olga Sumska) at tragic circumstances meets the investigator Bohdan Mazepa (Ivan Havrylyuk). Soon their paths intersect: Sofia receives the task to write an article about our valorous militia, where that very successful captain having no unsolved cases is to appear as the protagonist. Except for one.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

The Company of Heroes. (2 VideoCD).

Events of the film "Iron Hundred" take a place in 1944-1947 in the territory of Western Ukraine and Eastern Poland.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Reviews (5)

  Toshiaki , Tokyo, Japan
22-01-2013 12:54

I am iterested in the anti-communist resistance movement in Poland, Baltic States and Ukraine in 1940's-50's. This DVD is one of the small movies which describe the Ukrainian Insurgent Army's (UPA) activities during and post WW2. This DVD provies us not only UPA's activities but also people's mind and atitude those who supported UPA.

26-07-2011 09:43

Для Ihor:

Українська, Русский синхронный, English subtitles

  Ihor , Bandershtadt
08-07-2011 20:12

Цікаво ця версія відео-кружальця має дві аудіо доріжки одноголоску російською та оригінал українською?

  , Київ, Україна
13-07-2009 08:16

Вічна пам'ять героям, які билися за нашу незалежну Україну!!!
Спеціально купую фільми Олеся Янчука, щоб мої діти знали правду про героїв УПА і про наших заклятіх ворогів - москалів!!!
Дуже горджуся, що ми - УКРАЇНЦІ!
Ми велика нація!!!
Щиро дякую Олесю Янчуку за цей фільм!
Слава Україне - героям слава!!!

19-03-2007 21:32

не могли бы вы пошире раскрыть содержание фильма:)))мне очень надо