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Grzegorz Motyka. Vid volynskoji rizanyny do operatsiji "Visla". The Polish-Ukrainian Conflict of 1943-1947. (From Volyn Massacre to "Vistula" Operation)

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Grzegorz Motyka. Vid volynskoji rizanyny do operatsiji "Visla". The Polish-Ukrainian Conflict of 1943-1947. (From Volyn Massacre to "Vistula" Operation)
"Dozens of thousands of Ukrainian and Polish civilians killed, hundreds of villages and hamlets burned, more than half a million of immigrants – that is the tragic balance sheet of the civilization catastrophe in the Polish-Ukrainian border area during World War II and immediately after it. The chronological limits of the ruthless clash of the two nationalisms were marked by the ethnic cleansing of Poles in Volyn that peaked in 1943, and the "Vistula" Operation in the territory of the communist-dominated Poland in 1947.

The causes, course, and consequences of the conflict – the most widely discussed topic in the Ukrainian and Polish historiography and the most painful issue of modern relations between the two neighboring nations – are covered in the proposed book. The author is a leading expert in the field of Ukrainian studies, and his numerous researches are recognized among researchers, while exciting resentment – of those who on the both sides of the border seek to manipulate the historic past in order to achieve their political goals – with his objectivity and depth."
Translated from Polish by Andriy Pavlyshyn.
In Ukrainian
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 144x200 mm
Number of pages: 360
Publisher: DUH I LITERA, Kyiv

- Do Chytachiv

1. Hordijiv vuzol. Ukrajins‘ka problema v II Respublitsi

2. Veresen‘ 1939 roku

3. Vid padinnja Pol‘shchi do urjadu Jaroslava Stets‘ka (1939-1941):

- Polityka okupantiv

- Vynyknennja OUN-Bandery

- Akt 30 chervnja 1941 roku

4. Nimets‘ki "porjadky". Pol‘s‘ke ta ukrajins‘ke pidpillja (1941-1943):

- Nimets‘ka okupatsija

- Pol‘s‘ke pidpillja suproty "ukrajins‘koho pytannja"

- "Ne til‘ky poljaky, a y nimtsi pochnut‘ bojat‘sja nas"

5. UPA Bandery – persha zbroyna operatsija

6. Vystup proty nimtsiv:

- III konferentsija OUN-B

- Ukrajins‘kyy bunt

7. Antypol‘s‘ka aktsija na Volyni – pochatok (berezen‘-cherven‘ 1943 roku)

8. Ukrajins‘kyy plan "usunennja" poljakiv

9. Antypol‘s‘ka aktsija na Volyni – apohey rizanyny:

- Persha reaktsija poljakiv

- 11-12 lypnja 1943 roku

- Podal‘shi napady pidrozdiliv "Dubovoho"

- Serpnevi pobojishcha

10. Pol‘s‘ka oborona ta pomsta

11. Chervoni partyzany

12. "Vse rozryvaty, roznosyty v prakh"

13. Pol‘s‘kyy povstans‘kyy poryv. 27 Volyns‘ka pikhotna dyvizija AK

14. "V Skhidniy Malopol‘shchi my majemo viynu"

15. "Pol‘s‘ki" nakazy OUN-B i UPA v Skhidniy Halychyni

16. Halyts‘ka rizanyna. Anty pol‘s‘ka aktsija v Skhidniy Halychyni:

- Pershi napady

- Mikroistorija: reyd sotni "Siromantsiv"

- Masova "chystka pol‘s‘koho elementu"

17. Dyvizija SS "Halychyna". Fakty ta mify:

- Formuvannja dyviziji

- Huta Penjats‘ka – halyts‘ke Oradur-sjur-Glan

- Mif pro prydushennja Varshavs‘koho Povstannja

- Na fronti

18. Pol‘s‘ko-ukrajins‘kyy konflikt na Ljublinshchyni (1943-1944):

- Brygadefjurer SS Odilo Globochnyk i yoho polityka v Dystrykti Ljublin

- Nimets‘ka provokatsija podijala

- Chy sprovokuvaly volyns‘ku rizanynu vbyvstva ukrajintsiv na Ljublinshchyni?

- Boji mizh poljakamy ta ukrajintsjamy v 1944 rotsi

19. Stavlennja inshykh ukrajins‘kykh uhrupovan‘ do antypol‘s‘koji aktsiji:

- Ukrajins‘ka Povstans‘ka Armija Tarasa Bul‘by-Borovtsja

- OUN-Mel‘nyka

- Stavlennja "peresichnykh" ukrajintsiv do antypol‘s‘koji aktsiji

20. Mytropolyt Andrey Sheptyts‘kyy: katakheza v dobu pohordy

21. Prykhid radjans‘koji vlady:

- Operatsija "Burja"

- "Ystrebytel‘nye batal‘ony"

22. Ostanni vbyvstva tsyvil‘nykh poljakiv u Skhidniy Halychyni

23. Antyradjans‘ka geryl‘ja v Zakhidniy Ukrajini

24. Vid vidplaty v Pavlokomi do ataky ViN i UPA na Hruberiv:

- "Ukrajintsi – za Zbruch!"

- Peremyr’ja v Selys‘kakh ta okolytsjakh Rudy Ruzhanets‘koji

- Verkhovyny i Hruberiv

25. "Repatriatsija" po-radjans‘ky:

- Vyselennja poljakiv

- Vyselennja ukrajintsiv

26. Ukrajins‘ke pidpillja u Pol‘shchi v 1945-1946 rokakh

27. Operatsija "Visla":

- Rishennja

- Deportatsiji naselennja

- "Pereslidujut‘ nas beznastanno...". Ukrajins‘ke pidpillja v Pol‘shchi

- Likvidatsija pidpillja – tak, prymusovi vyselennja – ni

28. Sproba pidvedennja pidsumku: "viyna u viyni", henotsyd, stalins‘ki etnichni chystky:

- Khronolohija ta balans zhertv

- Chy buly henotsydom volyns‘ka ta halyts‘ka rizanyny?

- Jak otsinjuvaty pol‘s‘ki vidplatni aktsiji ta operatsiju "Visla"?

- Pol‘s‘ko-ukrajins‘kyy konflikt pam’jati


Vybrana bibliohrafija

Pisljamova (Ihor Il‘jushyn)

Imennyy pokazhchyk

Heohrafichnyy pokazhchyk

Pro avtora

Publisher: DUH I LITERA
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789663783024
Year: 2013

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