"The book is focused on the military formation of Sich Riflemen, which was established and operated within Ukrainian armies in the times of the Central Council, the Hetmanate, and the Directorate in the period of 1917-1919. Based on extensive historiography and source materials, creation, organization of the command vertical, the structure and all of reorganization processes are covered. Attention is paid to the military and political events that directly and indirectly involved the Riflemen and were associated with them. Participation of the Riflemen in fighting against the armed aggression of the Bolshevik Russia, as well as in opposition to the Russian White Guard Army led by the general A. Denikin are also covered. The publication is intended for everyone interested in the history of Ukraine."
Publisher: Nash Chas Catalogue number: ISBN 9789661530682 Year: 2011
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- Ivan Khoma
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A large illustrated premium edition. This treatise is a guidebook for lots of famous military leaders and politicians. The tips of the old commander have not lost their relevance today, as we learn to make decisions and achieve the set goals.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
During the 70 years that have passed since the Second World War, have we found out all the truth about it? The book contains 50 selected stories by 15 authors. The work of the historians is based on long-term studies and analysis of declassified documents. Their findings prove: these stories are a myth. Now you can also learn about them.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
"Strangers" in the ranks of the UGA: how Austrians, Germans, Poles, Russians, Czechs and Jews fought for Ukraine... The book for the first time systematizes biographical data of officers of non-Ukrainian origins who served in the Ukrainian Galician Army and analyzes their further careers.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
The book is focused on one of the first aviation industry enterprises in the territory of Ukraine - Odessa firm "Anatra". Special attention is paid to the history of military application of "Anatra" airplanes in battlefields of the First World War and in the conflicts that unfolded in 1918- 1920 in the territory of the former Russian Empire.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
A new study by Yaroslav Tynchenko dedicated to the Ukrainian aviation of the 1917-1920 Liberation War and the aviators. The book includes many photos published for the first time, as well as high-quality pictures of reconstructed planes that were used by the Ukrainian Army in 1917-1920.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Книга, особисто мені, дуже сподобалася. Папір якісний. М'яка палітурка створює зручності при прочитанні, загнуті краї її можна використовувати як закладки. Але привабливість, в-першу чергу, створює сам вміст, сторонні люди, яким я показував книгу, казали, при недовгому перелистуванні, що викликає довіру - велика кількість світлин виключно про СС. Книга читається легко, відчувається, що автор не за короткий час зібрав матеріал і скомпонував, а дійсно об'єднав в суцільну картину в своїй голові, а далі вже виклав текстом; малюнки доповнюють деякі описи текстом, що краще уявляється. 96 сторінок книги я прочитав за три дні на одному диханні (читав по 3 години в день, більше не було можливості) без позіхань. Книгу поставив в колекцію, а не поклав на макулатуру, бо я ставлю саму високу оцінку виданню.
Але зроблю обмовку — на колір і смак товаришів нема.