"This book is the history of the generation that changed perception of the Ukrainian people. The book is about how the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UIA) was created, about fighting methods of the army that did not surrender. For decades after World War II Ukrainians fought against the Soviet totalitarian machine... The underground and insurgent movement incredible in its sacrifices and giant in its scale escalated into the liberation movement with its revolutionary underground parliament and the government, diplomatic missions, underground administrative apparatus, the press, the currency system, the Red Cross, underground mail, awards, and tributes.
The fight of OUN and UIA was tremendously difficult, abundant in victims and frequently uncompromising up to the degree of violence, but it was necessary, it grew directly out of the traditions of the struggle for independence in the early twentieth century and was organically re-formatted as the dissident movement, which in turn inspired the Ukrainian youth in the 1980s to undertake the cause of independence. Our contemporary state is to a great extent a product of the insurgent struggle, it is founded on their sweat and blood, their suffering and deaths."
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: soft
Format: 166x242 mm
Number of pages: 512, illustrated edition
Publisher: Chasopys, Lviv
- Peredmova
Rozdil1. Na pochatku velykykh vyprobuvan‘
- Pered bureju
- Antypol‘ske povstannja OUN u veresni 1939 r.
- "Zabute povstannja" – OUN u borot‘bi z radjans‘koju vladoju v 1939-1941 rr.
- Akt 30 chervnja 1941 r. – sproba vidnovyty derzhavnist‘ peretvorjuje "sojuznykiv" na vorohiv
- Pershi ounivs‘ki "armiji" ta "Pol‘s‘ka sich" otamana "Bul‘by"
Rozdil 2. Marsh na mistsi
- OUN u 1942 r. – pidhotovka do antynimets‘koho povstannja
Rozdil 3. Lisova armija
- Stvorennja UPA, jiji struktura ta chysel‘nist‘
- Starshyns‘ki ta pid starshyns‘ki shkoly, boyova taktyka, ozbrojennja, uniforma, nahorody UPA
- "Kolektyvnyy portret" ukrajins‘koho povstantsja
Rozdil 4. "Te, shcho tut vidbuvajet‘sja, slid roztsinjuvaty, jak povstannja"
- UPA v borot‘bi z hitlerivs‘koju okupatsijeju
- OUN u 1943-1944 rr. – poshuk novoho oblychchja. Sproba sformuvaty pozapartiyne predstavnytstvo ukrajins‘koho vyzvol‘noho rukhu
Rozdil 5. "Vzajemne znyshchennja prodovzhujet‘sja z nevblahannoju zavzjatistju"
- Istorychni peredumovy ukrajins‘ko-pol‘s‘koho konfliktu
- Narostannja konfliktu v pershi roky Druhoji svitovoji viyny
- Na piku ukrajins‘ko-pol‘s‘koho protystojannja
- V oboroni bat‘kivs‘kykh zemel‘. Dijal‘nist‘ UPA na Zakerzonni u 1944-1947 rr.
Rozdil 6. Pryrecheni na smert‘
- Borot‘ba mizh UPA ta radjans‘kymy partyzanamy (1943-1944)
- Sutychky UPA z okremymy pidrozdilamy Chervonoji armiji ta protystojannja z NKVD (1944-1945)
- Borot‘ba ukrajins‘koho vyzvol‘noho rukhu proty radjans‘koji vlady u pershomu povojennomu p’jatyrichchi (1945-1950)
- Na ostann‘omu rubezhi. Ukrajins‘ke zbroyne pidpillja u 1951-1960 rr.
- Epiloh
- Perelik skorochen‘
- Dzherela y literatura