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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: History

Leonid Zaliznyak. Starodavnya istoria Ukrajiny. (The Ancient History of Ukraine)

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"The book highlights little-known, but relevant issues of the ancient history of Ukraine. Much attention is paid to the problems of planetary catastrophes, human origins, the lifestyle of glacial hunters, the Neolithic revolution, ethnogenesis and resettlement of Indo-Europeans, origins of Slavic people and roots of the Ukrainian people, ethnic processes in Kyiv Rus, the place of Ukraine among global civilizations. The book is based on the course of lectures "Primeval History of Ukraine", which the author has for a long time been delivering at the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".

For students and teachers of departments of history, history teachers, archeologists, historians, anthropologists, and all those interested in the past of Ukraine."
In Ukrainian
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 166x238 mm
Number of pages: 542, illustrated edition
Publisher: Tempora, Kyiv

- Peredmova

1. Katastrofy v istoriji zemli ta ljudstva

2. Pokhodzhennja ljudyny

3. Naydavnishe naselennja Ukrajiny

4. Kul‘turno-istorychni protsesy u verkhn‘omu paleoliti Ukrajiny

5. Myslyvtsi pryl‘odovykovoji Jevropy

6. Ustriy myslyvs‘kykh suspil‘stv

7. Doba katastrof u pryl‘odovykoviy Jevropi

8. Lisovi myslyvtsi mezolitu

9. Neolitychna revoljutsija

10. Pokhodzhennja indojevropeytsiv

11. Rozselennja indojevropeys‘kykh narodiv

12. Indojevropeys‘ki relikty v tradytsiyniy kul‘turi ukrajintsiv

13. Irans‘ki kochovyky Nadchornomor’ja

14. Tjurks‘ki narody Nadchornomor’ja seredn‘ovichchja

15. Pokhodzhennja slov’jan

16. Borot‘ba za spadshchynu knjazhoho Kyjeva ta problema davn‘orus‘koji narodnosti

17. Pokhodzhennja ukrajins‘koho narodu

18. Kyjivs‘ka Rus‘ – ukrajins‘ka derzhava

19. Etnichni protsesy v Kyjivs‘kiy Rusi ta pokhodzhennja bilorusiv i rosijan

20. Kul‘turno-istorychni provintsiji Ukrajiny

21. Skhidna Jevropa v systemi svitovykh tsyvilizatsiy

22.Ukrajina ta Rosija. Rizni istorychni doli

- Pisljamova

- Literatura


Publisher: Tempora
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786175690833
Year: 2012

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Leonid Zaliznyak

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7 june 2024
UMKA plans to take a break
22 february 2022
The "Return Alive" Foundation
Karel Capek. R.U.R. Rossumovi universalni roboty. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
Karel Capek. R.U.R.
Domestic: 292.04UAH
International: $14.90USD
Tetiana Shkolna. Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette/. (The Right Time)
Dobraja hodynonka. Ukrainian folk songs. /cassette
Domestic: 194.04UAH
International: $9.90USD
Dorota Terakowska. Tam, de padajut Anhely. (Where Angels Fall)
Where Angels Fall
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Tamara Martseniuk. "Zakhysnyky halaktyky": vlada i kryza v cholovichomu sviti. ("Defenders of the Galaxy": the power and crisis in the male world)
the power and crisis in the male world
Domestic: 409.64UAH
International: $20.90USD