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Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: History

Mykola Kotlyar. Narysy voyennoho mystetstva Davnyoi Rusi. (Essays on the Martial Art in Ancient Rus)

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"Written in the form of essays in a lively reader-friendly style, the work by Mykola Kotlyar, one of the best experts in history of Ancient Rus in Europe, covers a wide range of topics related to military affairs and the martial art in the 12th-13th centuries, most of which have not been adequately addressed in research literature. In a fascinating way, the book depicts the heroic, colorful and brutal world of the medieval war. The reader will have the opportunity to learn more about the structure and armory, combat and march arrangements of the Ancient Rus army, the strategy and tactics in battles with various opponents, about princes-generals and military commanders, mercenaries, allies, and so on. The state border defense strategy, fortification of towns and castles, siege and defensive weapons are also discussed here. The book contains dozens of illustrations, including schemes of victorious battles, ancient miniatures, reconstructions of weapons and fortifications of the period.

Intended for historians and archaeologists, as well as students and all those interested in the military history of Eastern Slavs."

Research and popular publication.

In Ukrainian.

Type of the edition: hard cover

Format: 200x260 mm

Number of pages: 280, illustrated edition

Publisher: Information-analytical agency "Our Time", Kyiv


- Vstup


Rozdil 1. Bytva:

- Zahal‘nyy obraz bytvy u dzherelakh // Pokhid // Perebih bytvy // Korotka otsinka bytvy u dzherelakh // Biy u misti, lisi // Tabir, stan // Vojenni khytroshchi // Zavdannja shkody vorohovi // Vtecha voroha // Polon

Rozdil 2. Vojins‘ka zvytjaha i slava:

- Muzhnist‘ knjaziv // Khorobrist‘ vojevod i ratnykiv // "Slavy" // Stjah. Khoruhva

Rozdil 3. Provedennja dyplomatiji pid vojennym tyskom


Rozdil 1. Vojevody

Rozdil 2. Vojiny:

- Sklad viys‘ka // Komplektuvannja viys‘ka // Druzhyna // Polky // Stjahy // "Pishtsi" // Sojuznyky

Rozdil 3. Naymantsi:

- Zemlja brodnykiv // Berladnyky // Sluzhyli knjazi

Rozdil 4. Boyovi ta pokhidni porjadky halyts‘koho i volyns‘koho viys‘ka v XII-XIII st.:

- Boyovyy porjadok // Chy isnuvav p’jatok // Strukturnyy podil rus‘koho viys‘ka // Dynamika rus‘koho boyovoho porjadku // Eshelonovanyy porjadok? // Vykorystannja stril‘tsiv // Shykuvannja polkiv // Pokhidnyy porjadok


Rozdil 1. Zbroja:

- Mechi // Shabli //  Sokyry // Spysy // Sulytsi // Strily // Samostrily-arbalety

Rozdil 2. Zakhysne sporjadzhennja:

- Sholomy // Shchyty // Zakhysni obladunky


Rozdil 1. Halyts‘ki y Volyns‘ki rubezhi v XII st.:

- Kordony Halyts‘koho knjazivstva // Pivdenno-Zakhidnyy rubizh // Rubezhi Halyts‘koji zemli z Kyjivs‘koju i Volyns‘koju u druhiy polovyni XII st. // Rubezhi Volyni

Rozdil 2. Rozvytok i udoskonalennja oboronnykh system Halyts‘ko-Volyns‘koji Rusi v XIII st.:

- Volyns‘ko-Halyts‘kyy kordon // Zakhidni y pivnichno-zakhidni rubezhi // Kordon z Uhorshchynoju // Pivdenni rubezhi Halyts‘ko-Volyns‘koji Rusi v XIII st.

Rozdil 3. Ukriplennja mist i fortets‘:

- Hrad // Brama // Valy // Mosty // Dytynets‘ // Ostroh // Hostrokil // Stiny i zaborola // Budivnytstvo mis‘kykh ukriplen‘ // Bashty // Kholm // Inshi fortetsi


Rozdil 1. Polovtsi:

- Pojava polovtsiv u Prychornomor’ji // Polovtsi – jakymy vony buly // Borot‘ba rus‘kykh proty kochovykiv u druhiy polovyni XI – pershiy tretyni XII st. // Rus‘ i polovtsi v dobu rozdroblenosti // Sproby kyjivs‘kykh knjaziv orhanizuvaty borot‘bu proty polovtsiv (druha polovyna XI – pochatok XIII st.) // Polovtsi jak sojuznyky rus‘kykh knjaziv // Rus‘ki y polovtsi na Kaltsi // Polovtsi-naymantsi // Vyhnannja polovtsiv monholamy z pivdenno rus‘kykh stepiv

Rozdil 2. Uhry:

- Rus‘ i Uhorshchyna u seredyni – druhiy polovyni XII st. // Rus‘ko-uhors‘ki stosunky pochatku XIII st. // Sproby uhors‘koho i pol‘s‘koho hosudariv podilyty Halyts‘ko-Volyns‘ku Rus‘ // Uhors‘ka polityky Mstyslava Udatnoho // Danylo Romanovych i Uhorshchyna u 20-40-kh rokakh

Rozdil 3. Avstriys‘ka kampanija

Rozdil 4. Poljaky:

- Myr i viyna mizh Russju i Pol‘shcheju u seredyni – druhiy polovyni XII st. // Halyts‘ko-Volyns‘ka Rus‘ i Pol‘shcha pochatku XIII st. // Vidbyttja pol‘s‘koji ahresiji u kintsi 1210-1220-kh rokakh // Rus‘ko-pol‘s‘ki stosunky chasiv supernytstva // Danyla za halyts‘ku "otchynu" (30-40-i roky) // Rus‘ko-pol‘s‘ki vidnosyny pislja vidnovlennja derzhavnoji jednosti Halyts‘ko-Volyns‘koji Rusi // Aktyvizatsija rus‘ko-pol‘s‘koji konfrontatsiji pislja smerti Danyla Romanovycha // Rus‘ko-pol‘s‘ki viyny chasiv novoji rozdroblenosti Halyts‘ko-Volyns‘koji Rusi

Rozdil 5. Lytva i Jatvjaz‘ka zemlja:

- Rus‘ko-lytovs‘ki vojenni diji // Viyna i myr z jatvjahamy

Rozdil 6. Monholy i Rus‘:

- Pojava monholiv na istorychniy stseni // Bytva na Kaltsi // "Batyjiv pohrom" // Rozhrom Pivnichno-Skhidnoji Rusi // Shturm Kyjeva // Vtorhnennja monholiv u Halyts‘ko-Volyns‘ku Rus‘ // Pid vladoju Ordy // Viyna Danyla Romanovycha z Kuremsoju // Prykhid Burundaja // Rus‘ko-monhol‘s‘ki stosunky po smerti Danyla


- Peredistorija vykorystannja znarjad‘ oblohy i zakhystu

- "Vidmova" slov’jan vid oblohovoji tekhniky

Rozdil 1. Oblohovi y zakhysni znarjaddja na Rusi:

- "Poroky" // Poshyrennja metal‘noji artyleriji na Rusi // Samostrily // Drabyny

Rozdil 2. Obloha, shturm, zdobuttja i zdacha mist i zamkiv:

- "Oblezhannja" // Zdobuttja mista chy fortetsi "iz’jezdom" // Zavolodinnja mistom // "Vzjattja na shchyt" // Shturm // Zdacha mista


Publisher: Nash Chas
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789661530309
Year: 2010

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See also:

Sun Tzu. Mystetstvo viyny. /premium edition/. (The Art of War)

A large illustrated premium edition. This treatise is a guidebook for lots of famous military leaders and politicians. The tips of the old commander have not lost their relevance today, as we learn to make decisions and achieve the set goals.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Viyna i mif. Nevidoma Druha svitova. (The War and Myth. The Unknown World War II)

During the 70 years that have passed since the Second World War, have we found out all the truth about it? The book contains 50 selected stories by 15 authors. The work of the historians is based on long-term studies and analysis of declassified documents. Their findings prove: these stories are a myth. Now you can also learn about them.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Oleh Stetsyshyn. Landsknekhty Halytskoi armii. (Lancers of the Galician Army)

"Strangers" in the ranks of the UGA: how Austrians, Germans, Poles, Russians, Czechs and Jews fought for Ukraine... The book for the first time systematizes biographical data of officers of non-Ukrainian origins who served in the Ukrainian Galician Army and analyzes their further careers.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Andriy Kharuk. Kondratyev V. Hayrulin M. "Anatra": Airplanes of Odessa Aircraft Building Enterprise, 1910-1924.

The book is focused on one of the first aviation industry enterprises in the territory of Ukraine - Odessa firm "Anatra". Special attention is paid to the history of military application of "Anatra" airplanes in battlefields of the First World War and in the conflicts that unfolded in 1918- 1920 in the territory of the former Russian Empire.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Yaroslav Tynchenko. Heroi ukrains'koho neba. Pilots of the 1917-1920 Liberation War. (Heros of the Ukrainian Sky)

A new study by Yaroslav Tynchenko dedicated to the Ukrainian aviation of the 1917-1920 Liberation War and the aviators. The book includes many photos published for the first time, as well as high-quality pictures of reconstructed planes that were used by the Ukrainian Army in 1917-1920.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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