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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: History

Narodzhennya krainy. Vid krayu do derzhavy. The series "History Uncensored". (The Birth of the State. From the land to the state)

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Narodzhennya krainy. Vid krayu do derzhavy. The series "History Uncensored". (The Birth of the State. From the land to the state)
"The objective of the books in this series is to speak about the Ukrainian past relying on facts rather than fabrications or orders. To create the future, one needs not only the will and courage, not only persistence and daily work, but also knowledge about our history. Uncensored. For the first time in 15 years, a multi-volume popular exposition of the history of our country is published in Ukraine. The authors do not follow an ideological order, their assessments sometimes do not coincide, allowing the reader be the judge in these disputes." Volodymyr Vyatrovych
- How did the name "Ukraine" root during the centuries?
- How was the territory of Ukraine formed?
- What symbols did our ancestors use?
- How did state borders of Ukraine form and change?
The group of authors ​​includes: Kyrylo Halushko, Andriy Hrechylo, Serhiy Hromenko, Hennadiy Yefimenko, Maksym Mayorov
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 128x200 mm

Number of pages: 352, illustrated
Publisher: Bookclub, Kharkiv

1. Ukrajina: nazva kriz‘ viky

2. Shljakh na kartu: formuvannja terytoriji

- Ukrajina do pojavy Ukrajiny

- Vid Dykoho Polja do "krajiny kozakiv"

- Vid Malorosiji do Ukrajiny

- Povernennja na politychnu kartu Jevropy: 1914-1918 rr.

3. Ukrajins‘ko-pol‘s‘kyy kordon

- Na porozi velykykh potrjasin‘

- Svitova viyna

- Rosiys‘ka revoljutsija

- Rozpad Avstro-Uhorshchyny

- Paryz‘ka myrna konferentsija

- Pol‘s‘ko-ukrajins‘ka viyna

- Zminy pozytsiy shchodo kordonu v 1920-1921 rr.

- Interbellum

- Pochatok Druhoji svitovoji viyny

- Borot‘ba v zatinku nimets‘koji okupatsiji

- Vid protystojannja do dobrosusidstva

4. Ukrajins‘ko-bilorus‘kyy kordon

5. Formuvannja kordonu Ukrajiny z Rumunijeju i Molodovoju

6. Formuvannja kordonu Ukrajiny na Zakarpatti

7. Skhidnyy kordon

- Doba Ukrajins‘koji Tsentral‘noji Rady (berezen‘ 1917 – kviten‘ 1918 rr.)

- Doba Ukrajins‘koji Derzhavy (kviten‘-hruden‘ 1918 r.)

- Pershi rady: radjans‘ka UNR ta Donkryvbas (hruden‘ 1917 – kviten‘ 1918 rr.)

- Druhyy prykhid bil‘shovykiv (hruden‘ 1918 – serpen‘ 1919 r.)

- Zminy liniji kordonu mizh USRR ta RSFRR pislja ostatochnoho opanuvannja Ukrajiny bil‘shovykamy (1920-1928 rr.)

8. Krym

- Antychnist‘

- Mizh tr‘oma tsyvilizatsijamy

- Kryms‘ke khanstvo i Rosiys‘ka imperija

- Revoljutsija ta radjans‘ki chasy

- Krym u nezalezhniy Ukrajini

9. Ukrajins‘ki terytorial‘ni ta natsional‘n-derzhavni symvoly

- Symvoly Rus‘koho korolivstva

- Zemel‘ni symvoly ukrajins‘kykh administratyvnykh terytoriy u skladi Pol‘shchi y Velykoho knjazivstva Lytovs‘koho

- Pojava ponjattja "natsional‘nyy herb"

- Symvoly ukrajins‘kykh zemel‘ u skladi monarkhiy Habsburhiv ta Romanovykh

- Utverdzhennja zahal‘nonatsional‘nykh symvoliv: 1917-1920 rr.

- Karpats‘ka Ukrajina

- Derzhavno-terytorial‘ni symvoly Radjans‘koji Ukrajiny

- Utverdzhennja suchasnykh derzhavnykh symvoliv Ukrajiny

- Literatura

Publisher: BookClub
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786171201422
Year: 2016

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The "Return Alive" Foundation
Kateryna Kalytko. Orden movchalnyts. (The Order of the Silent)
The Order of the Silent
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Memories of Oleh Lysheha
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Natalka Snyadanko. Pershe slidstvo imperatrytsi. (The Empress' First Investigation)
The Empress' First Investigation
Domestic: 250.60UAH 212.94UAH
International: $17.90USD $15.21USD
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Uladzimer Arlov. The Landscape..
Domestic: 250.60UAH 225.54UAH
International: $17.90USD $16.11USD