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Domestic: 350.84UAH
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Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: History

Yaroslav Tynchenko. Officer Corps of the UPR Army (1917-1921). Vol. 2.

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"The Officer Corps of the Ukrainian People's Republic Army" second volume continues the research on commanders at the Liberation War of 1917-1921. The first chapter of the book demonstrates continuity of military traditions that existed between Cossack officers during Hetmanate, the officer corps of the Russian Imperial Army, and the UPR Army officers. The second section describes creation of the Ukrainian armed forces and formation of their officer corps during 1917-1921. Finally, the third section deals with the history of training own officers – graduates of military schools of the Ukrainian Republic. The second volume also contains biographical information about military priests; lists of officers promoted to higher military ranks during 1920-1923; names of the military persons who received UPR state awards, and the generalized Index of almost 7 million people's names."

Research publication.

In Ukrainian.

Type of the edition: hard cover

Format: 210x280 mm

Number of pages: 424, illustrated edition

Publisher: Tempora, Kyiv


- Vstupne slovo

Ukrajintsi v ofitsers‘komu korpusi Rosiys‘koji imperiji (XVII - poch. XX st.):

- Kozaky – ofitsery moskovs‘kykh tsariv

- Vid Petra I do Kateryny II

- Likvidatsija Zaporoz‘koji Sichi. Chornomors‘ke kozatstvo

- Viys‘kova reforma 1783-1785 rr. na ukrajins‘kykh terytorijakh

- Masove popovnennja ukrajins‘koju moloddju ofitsers‘koho korpusu Rosiys‘koji imperiji

- Ofitsery-ukrajintsi ta ukrajins‘ke kozatstvo u Napoleonivs‘kykh viynakh

- Ofitsery-ukrajintsi v armiji Mykoly I

- Viys‘kovi reformy ta viyny Oleksandra II

- Uchast‘ ofitseriv v ukrajins‘komu natsional‘no-kul‘turnomu zhytti

- Rosiys‘ka armija za chasiv Mykoly II, rol‘ u niy ukrajintsiv

Starshyns‘kyy korpus Ukrajins‘koji armiji u 1917-1924 rr.:

- Sotsial‘no-psykholohichnyy portret ukrajins‘koho starshyny

- Ranhy, posady ta inshi terminy ukrajins‘koji armiji

- Starshyny v ukrajins‘komu viys‘kovomu rusi 1917 r.

- Formuvannja osnovnoho starshyns‘koho skladu Armiji UNR navesni 1918 r.

- Instruktors‘ka shkola starshyn

- Chasy pravlinnja het‘mana P.P.Skoropads‘koho

- Kyjivs‘ka avantjura "Biloji hvardiji", lystopad-hruden‘ 1918 r.

- Stvorennja viys‘k Dyrektoriji ta rozhrom ofitsers‘kykh druzhyn, lystopad-hruden‘ 1918 r.

- Honinnja na starshyn ta otamanija, sichen‘-traven‘ 1919 r.

- Reorhanizatsija Dijevoji armiji UNR, lito-osin‘ 1919 r.

- Zymovyy pokhid ta ostannja kampanija 1920 r.

- Internuvannja ta likvidatsija Armiji UNR, dolja ukrajins‘kykh vojakiv

Pidhotovka vlasnoho starshyns‘koho korpusu Armiji UNR:

- Pershi ukrajins‘ki hurtky sered rosiys‘kykh junkeriv

- Ukrajinizatsija 2-ji Kyjivs‘koji shkoly praporshchykiv, rozformuvannja rosiys‘kykh viys‘kovo-navchal‘nykh zakladiv

- 1-sha Ukrajins‘ka viys‘kova shkola im. B.Khmel‘nyts‘koho

- 2-ha Ukrajins‘ka viys‘kova shkola

- Dolja junakiv 1-ji ta 2-ji Ukrajins‘kykh viys‘kovykh shkil

- Sproby stvorennja junats‘kykh shkil u 1918-1919 rr.

- Zhytomyrs‘ka junats‘ka shkola (Spil‘na viys‘kova shkola)

- Dolja vypusknykiv ta junakiv Zhytomyrs‘koji junats‘koji shkoly

- Spil‘na (Kam’janets‘ka) junats‘ka shkola, 1920-1924 rr.

- Spil‘na junats‘ka shkola z pidhotovky starshyn viys‘kovoho chasu pry 3-y Zalizniy dyviziji

- Dolja vypusknykiv Spil‘noji junats‘koji shkoly

Viys‘kovi svjashchenyky Armiji Ukrajins‘koji Narodnoji Respubliky


\ Spysok starshyn, zarakhovanykh na diysnu ukrajins‘ku viys‘kovu sluzhbu ta pidvyshchenykh do nastupnykh ranhiv protjahom lypnja 1920-lypnja 1923 rr.

\ Rejestry vypusknykiv junats‘kykh shkil Armiji UNR 1919-1924 rr.

\ Rejestr Nahorodzhenykh Khrestom Symona Petljury za uchast‘ u zbroyniy borot‘bi za derzhavnist‘ Ukrajiny pid provodom Holovnoho Otamana Symona Petljury 1917-1921 rr.

\ Rejestr nahorodzhenykh Vojennym Khrestom 1917-1957 rr.

\ Rejestr nahorodzhenykh Viys‘kovoju vidznakoju "Khrest vidrodzhennja" v pam’jat‘ 60-littja Armiji UNR

\ Imennyy pokazhchyk

Publisher: Tempora
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786175690413
Year: 2011

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Yaroslav Tynchenko

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See also:

Sun Tzu. Mystetstvo viyny. /premium edition/. (The Art of War)

A large illustrated premium edition. This treatise is a guidebook for lots of famous military leaders and politicians. The tips of the old commander have not lost their relevance today, as we learn to make decisions and achieve the set goals.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH, International price: $22.90USD

Viyna i mif. Nevidoma Druha svitova. (The War and Myth. The Unknown World War II)

During the 70 years that have passed since the Second World War, have we found out all the truth about it? The book contains 50 selected stories by 15 authors. The work of the historians is based on long-term studies and analysis of declassified documents. Their findings prove: these stories are a myth. Now you can also learn about them.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Oleh Stetsyshyn. Landsknekhty Halytskoi armii. (Lancers of the Galician Army)

"Strangers" in the ranks of the UGA: how Austrians, Germans, Poles, Russians, Czechs and Jews fought for Ukraine... The book for the first time systematizes biographical data of officers of non-Ukrainian origins who served in the Ukrainian Galician Army and analyzes their further careers.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Andriy Kharuk. Kondratyev V. Hayrulin M. "Anatra": Airplanes of Odessa Aircraft Building Enterprise, 1910-1924.

The book is focused on one of the first aviation industry enterprises in the territory of Ukraine - Odessa firm "Anatra". Special attention is paid to the history of military application of "Anatra" airplanes in battlefields of the First World War and in the conflicts that unfolded in 1918- 1920 in the territory of the former Russian Empire.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Yaroslav Tynchenko. Heroi ukrains'koho neba. Pilots of the 1917-1920 Liberation War. (Heros of the Ukrainian Sky)

A new study by Yaroslav Tynchenko dedicated to the Ukrainian aviation of the 1917-1920 Liberation War and the aviators. The book includes many photos published for the first time, as well as high-quality pictures of reconstructed planes that were used by the Ukrainian Army in 1917-1920.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

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