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Oleh Stetsyshyn. Landsknekhty Halytskoi armii. (Lancers of the Galician Army)

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Oleh Stetsyshyn. Landsknekhty Halytskoi armii. (Lancers of the Galician Army)
"A book by the renowned Lviv journalist Oleh Stetsyshyn on "strangers" in the ranks of the UGA: how Austrians, Germans, Poles, Russians, Czechs and Jews fought for Ukraine. This book is about military mercenarism in our history. About the past of Galicia that we did not know. Although until recently it was believed that overall there were several dozens of stranger officers in the UGA, analysis of archival documents and memoirs suggests that much more European soldiers actually stood up to protect the Western Ukrainian People's Republic.

The book for the first time systematizes biographical data of officers of non-Ukrainian origins who served in the Ukrainian Galician Army and analyzes their further careers. Unique documents, more than a hundred of rare photos – mostly from private archives – a significant part of which have not been published in Ukraine before complement the interesting story about the life and fate of foreign soldiers in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army."
In Ukrainian
Type of the edition: soft
Format: 148x206 mm
Number of pages: 480, illustrated edition
Publisher: Chasopys, Lviv

- Vstup


Rozdil 1:

- Zarobitchany v pohonakh, abo Jak jevropeytsi v Halychynu za "kusnem khliba" jizdyly

- "Nimtsi – nashi krashchi druzi"

- "Lipshe buty svjashchenykom, anizh vojakom"

- Khochesh dopomohty – dopomahay!

Rozdil 2:

- "Viys‘kkomat" henerala Pfeffera

- A mohlo zh use buty inakshe

- "Ja hotovyy viddaty zhyttja za svoju novu bat‘kivshchynu!"

- "Korporatsija" UHA

- "Hokh Ukraine und Halitsishe arme!"

- V UHA – tsilymy rodynamy

Rozdil 3:

- Tsars‘ki ofitsery na sluzhbi Halychyni

- Za Ukrajinu – na smert‘!

- Chotari, polkovnyky, heneraly

Rozdil 4:

- "Jevreji ydut‘ za ukrajintsjamy!"

- "Zhydivs‘ke naselennja nazyvaje poljakiv "Bljutfayde""

- A v mistechkakh – jevreys‘ka militsija


Rozdil 5:

- I Hayl‘, i Hitler, i de Goll‘

- SShA i Frantsija proty ZUNR

- Frantsuz‘kyy "rjativnyk Pol‘shchi"

- I shche raz pro "nepol‘s‘kykh vojakiv"


Rozdil 6. Otaman, shcho stav poslom

Rozdil 7. Nimets‘kyy partyzan Kljey

Rozdil 8. Hanimed proty Heniga

Rozdil 9. Zhyttja i smert‘ kombryha L‘obkovitsa

Rozdil 10. Dvadtsjat‘ rokiv potomu

Rozdil 11. Chetar Verba – "bat‘ko" kalmyts‘kykh dyversantiv

Rozdil 12. Heroji i dezertyry, ukrajins‘ki patrioty ta zradnyky

Rozdil 13. Dolja kombatantiv

- Vysnovky

- Dokumenty


- Biohrafichni dani "chuzhyns‘kykh" ofitseriv Halyts‘koji armiji

- Dzherela ta literatura

- Perelik skorochen‘

- Dejaki viys‘kovi realiji, chasto zhaduvani v knyzi

- Imennyy ta heohrafichnyy pokazhchyk


Publisher: Chasopys
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789662720022
Year: 2012

Domestic price: 306.60UAH
International price: $21.90USD
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