"To your attention – the first non-fiction biography of Roman Shukhevych, a thrilling description of vicissitudes of the UPA Commander's in Chief life and an attentive analysis of his actions during those difficult times. An athlete, Plast activist, underground member, political prisoner, businessman, volunteer battalion commander, eventually a commander in chief of the guerrilla army, the first figure of the underground Ukrainian statehood – these are only some of Roman Shukhevych's incarnations... The author pays special attention to debunking the myths about extensive collaboration and participation in punitive actions by the UPA and Shukhevych personally. The book is based on archive material little known to the general public and memories of contemporaries."
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover
Format: 120x165 mm
Number of pages: 256, illustrated
Publisher: Bookclub, Kharkiv
- Pochatok. Zamakh na Sobins‘koho
- L‘viv i navkolo n‘oho: natsionalistychne pidpillja 1920-1930-kh rr.
- "Moho tata ljakhy zabraly!"
- Naperedodni velykoji viyny: velykyy biznes i mala viyna
- Perehraty Hitlera
- Komandyr pidpil‘noji armiji: proty natsystiv
- Komandyr pidpil‘noji armiji: proty Radjans‘koho Sojuzu
- Duel‘ z chekistamy
- Tsina borot‘by