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Tetiana Ostashko. Serhiy Kokin. Vyrok ukrajinskiy revolyutsii: "The Case of the CC of the UPSR". (The Verdict for the Ukrainian Revolution)

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"The declassified materials from the funds of the Sector State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine reflect the process of the ChK's development of investigation proceedings against the leading activists of the Ukrainian national liberation struggle of 1917-1921, which culminated in fabrication by the Supreme Extraordinary Revolutionary Tribunal of the USSR of the "The Case of the CC of the UPSR". It was one of the first demonstration trials against leaders of Ukrainian governments and parties that launched a series of political repressions, which subsequently were actively used by the GPU-NKVD in Ukraine. The documents allow taking a fresh look at the actual consequences of collaboration by participants of the Ukrainian national liberation movement with soviet authorities, while many Ukrainian socialist leaders found themselves their supporters in the course of their political activity.
Intended for researchers, teachers, contemporary politicians, students, and anyone interested in the political history of Ukraine."
Documentary research publication.
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: hard cover

Format: 168x240 mm
Number of pages: 688, illustrated publication
Publisher: Tempora, Kyiv

- Stvorennja "Spravy TsK UPSR"

- Dokumenty:

postanovy pro uv’jaznennja, protokoly dopytu, dodatkovi svidchennja, spysky zaareshtovanykh, shyfrotelehramy toshcho (vs‘oho – 111 dokumentiv)

- Dodatky:

svidotstva, zapysky, pasporty, shchodennyky, lysty (vs‘oho – shche 33 dokumenty)

- Prymitky

- Imennyy pokazhchyk

- Heohrafichnyy pokazhchyk

- Iljustrovanyy dodatok

Publisher: Tempora
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786175691380
Year: 2013

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Tetiana Ostashko

Domestic price: 644.84UAH
International price: $32.90USD
See also:

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