As you can easily see by yourselves, the title of the ensemble completely corresponds to the contents of its creative activities. In other words, it does not restrict itself to one thing. Though, at the same time all compositions are arranged in certain stylistics, which correspond exactly to this instrumental composition. Since all arrangements are made independently, the skill of each musician is presented with dignity here – moreover, we can hear the solo performance of each musical instrument, which the ensemble consists of. Besides, here the matter concerns the Carpathian Mountains. In its turn, this fact means that not only native Ukrainian music is recorded here. After all, the Carpathian Mountains are a peculiar and, in a certain way, separate space, in which musical likings of several people meet and merge into something integral. That’s why it comes as no surprise that not only Ukrainian, but also Moldavian, Romanian and even Jewish melodies are presented in this album. Further still, there are undoubtedly no inner contradictions here, because this is a separate space.
Year: 2005
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Ensemble "Sbyranka"
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CD1 |
1. |
| Entry polka (Vstupna pol'ka)
music: Ukrainian Traditional
2. |
 | Dojina i Bulharjaska
music: Moldavian Traditional
3. |
| Svjato na Bukovyni
music: Dolzhykov
4. |
 | Ked' my pryshla karta
music: Ukrainian Folk Song
5. |
| Bukovyns'ki kozachky
music: V. Heker
6. |
| Vesil'nyj zhok i syrba
music: Moldavian Traditional
7. |
| Stoju sobi tak dumaju
music: Ukrainian Folk Song
8. |
| Cyhenjas'ke
music: Moldavian Traditional
9. |
 | Kaljushul'
music: Romanian Traditional
10. |
| Susidka
music: Ukrainian Folk Song
11. |
| Huculky
music: D. Popichuk
12. |
| Pastushok i bukovyns'ka pol'ka
music: Ukrainian Traditional
13. |
| Gandzja
music: Ukrainian Folk Song
14. |
 | Smih Samuelja
music: Jewish Traditional
15. |
| Bukovyns'ki naspivy
music: V. Popadjuk
16. |
| Vohnjana syra
music: Moldavian Traditional
| Total playing time: 56:02 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
...the album at once creates elated, festive mood – but in a surprising way. In the correct way. Because, although about a half of the compositions can hardly be called merry ones – a smile is very expressly felt in them. Somewhere dim, somewhere transparent, somewhere dreamy, somewhere thoughtful – but it is present in each piece, and it warms.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Far not every musician is able to breathe in real life into age-old instruments, to let them sound brightly, deeply – not with glass strasses, but with jewels. Olexa Kabanov, no doubt, is. In his performance traditional melodies sound as if they did not have hundreds of years behind their back – to that extent they are live, close, and warm.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
In the world, certainly, there are quite a lot of people who play Celtic music – and even more say that they play it. But not everyone is able, having taken a correct basis, to correctly invest his or her own breathing into it – so that the harmony really came to life. Rune – you will hear that yourself – taught their music not simply breathing...
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
You will come across Christmas carols of France, England, Wales, Sweden, Austria, the USA, Spain, Germany here – honestly speaking, the very list inspires respect. Moreover, all the songs are performed in original languages – and this is, you should agree, a piece of work. And it was worth it...
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International price: $24.90USD
This is a masterly and harmonious performance of a great orchestra consisting of real masters, which is rated highly not only in Ukraine, but far beyond its bounds.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The name of a disc speaks for itself. Here are hopak, sirtaki, lezginka, hava-nagila. Executed on a synthesiser, these melodies are intended rather not for domestic listening, but for use at lessons of dances, or in the dramatised performances or concerts at school or kindergarten.
Domestic price: 233.24UAH,
International price: $11.90USD
It seems that every musician who follows the way of self-perfection early or late faces the music culture of the East – and gets penetrated with it. In the end, it is difficult to stay indifferent to this beauty. Thus, the only thing left is to let it in, let it through and – let it go. Evidently, Olexa succeeded in it – you will hear that yourself.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
, Львів, Ukraine
28-03-2009 21:59 |
Я дякую всім від імені учасників ансамблю ЗБИРАНКА за позитівні відгуки за цей наш диск! Низький всім уклін. Ансамбль ще існує і 4-5 квітня 2009 року виступатиме в Leipzig' у в залі GEWAND HAUS. Нажаль ці виступи стаються все рідше, бо музиканти повиростали з цієї концепції, з'явилося багато різних нових ідей та музичних проектів. Ми всі раді, що багатьом людям наша музика є до вподоби. Зичимо усім щастя!
, Житомир, Україна
04-11-2008 22:37 |
Збиранка - то вищий клас!!! Одного разу, коли вони виступали у Житомирі, мені пощастило потрапити на їх концерт! Вам тих вражень не передати!!! Що накоїв Мар*ян - скрипаль. Зала шаленіла!!! Придбала тоді собі диск та не шкодую. Мрію, що вони знову виступатимуть у філармонії і це буде скоро...
, Brasov, Romania
29-12-2006 12:44 |
Why do all people from the former USSR make a diffrence between Romanian and Moldavian. Isn't it clear that this differce was made by the bolsheviks for political reasons. I think I know the answer: they are costumed to doing so, because 50 years of comunism don't pass easily. But 15 years have passed since the USSR has fallen. Why don't you try a little to correct this kind of mistakes? The music from Hutsulschkina to Vrancea is the most beatuful in Europe, and this CD is a testimony to this musical shepherd tradition, that dates back to the geto-dacians, the ancestors of the Romanians. The trambita is a Romanian instrumnet, the Cobza is not csango, but Moldavian. Csango music doesn't exist. It's identical to Moldavian music. But it's nice. And that matters only.
, WIESBADEN, Germany
14-08-2006 13:58 |
Great CD, Thrilling. The music is an outstanding example of what the various ethnic groups play in the Carpatho Ukraine and surrounding area. I just love the sound of the violin, bass, tsimbali, sopilka and other instruments. Each melody is different. There are a couple of beautiful songs still from the Austrian area where in one the singer asks the musicains to play a chardash so he can dance one last time before going to war and leaving behind the three girls who will cry for him.
, Nancy, France
26-03-2006 23:44 |
It is rare to listen on an single disc so many virtuoso (bandura, violin, tsimbali, and sopilka players) and a singer with a so beautiful voice !!
, КЕЛОВНА, canada
13-03-2006 06:37 |
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