With such powerful charge of optimism, which has been put into this album, one may not simply live and be glad, but also move mountains, make revolution or build a new house. Frankly speaking, it does not happen very often that such discs, which are saturated with smiling cheerfulness so much, fall into our hands. The point is not in the fact that there existed no songs capable to raise the spirits. The point is that it is simply pleasant when even under not very auspicious conditions one makes conclusions, which raise hopes in our breasts. Especially since in this particular case these conclusions are personal and not stolen from other people. As you know, Lesya Horova is not only a performer, but also the author of both music and lyrics of her songs. Furthermore, the songs have buoyant spirits, and they are arranged in a good way. It is pop-music, of course, still it contains folk motives. That’s why the patriotism put into the title has two manifestations – musical and textual. As a matter of fact, in a way this album is a manual of high spirits and purposes of life. May be, it will help somebody.
Publisher: Atlantic Year: 2005
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- Lesja Horova
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