Batiar-band "Halychyna", Victor Morozov. Batiar Blues. /digi-pack/. | | Track Reviews (1) |
This is the third "batiar" album by Viktor Morozov and batiar band "Halychyna" – it already seems to turn into an entire series. Finally, and not surprisingly – because it is, perhaps, difficult to find a more colorful theme, and the success of the two previous works convincingly confirmed this. It should be noted that the author of almost all the lyrics (as well as in "Batiar's Heart") is our contemporary – Andriy Panchyshyn, Morozov's longtime mate since the time of the legendary theater studio "Ne Zhurys!" So, it is another stylization – and a brilliant one. This refers both to the lyrics, and music. Moreover, in terms of intonation/masks "Batiar Blues" is, perhaps, the most striking album of this series – adults, respected professionals, play as if children here. Only, unlike children, they have behind their backs – 40 years of very diverse experience and no fear to look funny. And this is true power.. Yes, these songs easily inspire a sense of a journey back in time and a special, salty smile at the present. But, on the other hand, they contain such ordinary freedom that it is even unordinary – a nice luxury for any "troublesome time". Anton Yozhyk Leyba (Hedgehog)
The release contains a 20-page booklet with lyrics of all the songs.
Publisher: MO Productions Year: 2013
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Batiar-band "Halychyna"
- Victor Morozov
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CD1 |
1. |
 | On Prus Platz
(Na pljatsu Prusa)
2. |
| The Last Batiar (Ostatnyy batjar)
3. |
 | The Mandolin, Guitar & the Bass
(Mandolina, gitara i bas)
4. |
| My Sweet Tart (Kholjera)
5. |
 | Wojtek
6. |
| At the Kulparkiv Nuthouse (Na Kul‘parkovy)
7. |
 | My Daddy
(Miy tatun‘o)
8. |
| Miss Frani (Pani Frani)
9. |
 | Batiar Blues
(Batjarskyy bljuz)
10. |
 | At the Cemetery
(Na tsvyntari)
11. |
| Party (Zabava)
12. |
 | The Boat
13. |
| At the Krakiv Market (Na Krakivs‘kim bazary)
14. |
| Dummy (Matolok)
15. |
| Marysia (Marysja)
16. |
| In the Professors' District (Na Profesors‘kiy Kol‘oniji)
| | bonus-tracks:
17. |
| The Lviv Guitar (L‘vivs‘ka gitara)
18. |
| A Batiar Carol (Batjarska koljada)
19. |
| P.S. |
| | minus-tracks (karaoke):
20. |
| The Mandolin, Guitar & the Bass (Mandolina, gitara i bas)
21. |
| My Daddy (Miy tatun‘o)
22. |
| The Last Batiar (Ostatnyy batjar)
| Total playing time: 63:27 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
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Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
, Õàðê³â
20-09-2013 20:45 |
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