Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: "Militaria Ucrainica" series

Yaroslav Tynchenko. Viyska Yasnovelmozhnoho Pana Hetmana. The Ukrainian State Army, May-December 1918. (The Army of the Illustrious Hetman)

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"Modern researchers are divided in their perception of the reign of Hetman Petro Skoropadsky in Ukraine in May through November 1918. Some list his many achievements, others blame him of being inclined towards Russia and of waste of time. In the military domain, the Hetman made use of elaborations and achievements of his predecessor - the Defense Minister of the Central Council Olexander Zhukovsky. A characteristic difference from the period of the Central Council was, perhaps, the external attributes - the uniform, in the area of which a lot of changes were implemented at the time of Hetman Skoropadsky. The "colorful" serdyuks and konvoets of Skoropadsky, the specific "hetman" shoulder straps recorded on video footage and photo negatives of that time have become a part of the country's history. This is exactly what the research is focused on."

Popular and research publication.
In Ukrainian.
Type of the edition: paperback
Format: 168x238 mm
Number of pages: 152, illustrated publication
Publisher: Tempora, Kyiv

1. Naperedodni perevorotu

2. Het‘man P.P.Skoropads‘kyy ta yoho otochennja

3. Zbroyni syly Ukrajins‘koji Derzhavy

4. Borot‘ba za ukrajins‘ki kordony

5. Zaprovadzhennja osnovnykh znakiv rozriznennja Armiji Ukrajins‘koji Derzhavy

6. Uniforma Shtabu Het‘mana, Konvoju ta chastyn Serdjuts‘koji dyviziji

7. Uniforma zahal‘noviys‘kovoho zrazka

8. Uniforma inshykh viys‘kovykh formuvan‘, stvorenykh za chasiv Het‘manatu

9. Prapory, ordeny, nahrudni znaky

10. Adresy viys‘kovykh ustanov ta chastyn Armiji Ukrajins‘koji Derzhavy u Kyjevi

11. Pishi Polky Armiji Ukrajins‘koji Derzhavy

12. Kinni, harmatni ta tekhnichni chastyny Armiji Ukrajins‘koji Derzhavy

13. Chysel‘nist‘ kadrovykh chastyn Armiji Ukrajins‘koji Derzhavy stanom na 1 lystopada 1918 roku

Publisher: Tempora
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786175691731
Year: 2014

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Yaroslav Tynchenko

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