We have already repeatedly met Ukrainian Barvy – and the group has never disappointed us. It feels identically easy in absolutely different styles, it performs very varied music – spiritual, ceremonial, classic, modern, folk, variety art. Besides – quite often it seasons its compositions with elements of rock-and-roll, jazz, country. It makes the style of the group easy to recognize – and, at the same time, it always implies an element of the unexpected, surprise. And you would never say that Ukrainian Barvy arranges the melodies too heavily – no, this is virtually always careful arrangement, which rather not changes but underlines some unnoticeable traces of a melody, lyrics. Thus, the songs come back to life – but they do not lose their own face, and that is nice. It is exactly this that you will find on the new disc by the group as well. The name of the album warns at once that mixtures of styles and moods will sound here. As Ukrainian Barvy has already several times confidently proved their mastery in this kind of mixing, the only thing for us to do is to trust the taste of these people – and to listen.
Publisher: author Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Ukrainian Barvy
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD