Batiar-band "Halychyna", Victor Morozov. Sertse batjara. (A Batiar's Heart) | | Track Reviews (3) |
Eight years have passed since the release of "Only in Lviv" – the previous joint work by Victor Morozov and Batiar-Band "Halychyna". Therefore, "A Batiar's Heart" is a piece of news that is not only nice but also long-awaited. However, if news is really interesting, it is worth waiting for – well, and Victor Morozov, actually, can be regarded as a sort of a guarantor of that it will be interesting indeed. By the way, pay attention: while the previous album consisted exclusively of old batiar songs composed at the beginning of the past century, "A Batiar's Heart" is already author's material, styling. And truly brilliant styling. The overwhelming majority of texts for the album were composed by Andriy Panchyshyn – but they sound as if one hundred years ago they could really be heard in Lviv streets. Definitely, we should thank "Halychyna" and Morozov (he is not only the performer, but also the key author of the music on the album) – the atmosphere of former times is reflected in an extraordinarily bright, well-aimed, sincere way. Nothing to add, you listen – and you just believe! Moreover: without regard to the romantic haze, you feel some authentic threatening beauty looming through these songs. In the end, batiars were far from angels, and they rhymed love with rove far not only in lyrics... Thus, I strongly recommend you to listen to this. "A Batiar's Heart", I believe, will make you not only weep and laugh (literally, by the way) but also – think... The publication contains a 20-page booklet with texts and other information.
Publisher: MO Productions Catalogue number: UM-CD 218 Year: 2010
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Batiar-band "Halychyna"
- Victor Morozov
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CD1 |
1. |
 | Zenyk
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: A. Panchyshyn
2. |
 | Dorotha
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: A. Panchyshyn
3. |
| Abraham (Abram)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: A. Panchyshyn
4. |
 | So Long Ago
(To bulo tak davno)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: A. Panchyshyn
5. |
| Good Swill at Bombach's (U Bombakha fayna gara)
lyrics: tr. by Ju. Vynnychuk
6. |
| A Ball at Bombach's (Bal‘ u Bombakha)
lyrics: tr. by Ju. Vynnychuk
7. |
 | Batiar Love
(Batjarska ljubov)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: A. Panchyshyn
8. |
| A Batiar's Heart (Sertse batjara)
music: H. Varsa
lyrics: E. Shlekhter, tr. by Ju. Vynnychuk
9. |
 | Dive Bar
(Knaypa zatsofana)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: A. Panchyshyn
10. |
| No Bells Toll For Me (Po meni ne dzvony dzvonjat)
lyrics: tr. by A. Panchyshyn
11. |
| Batiar Heaven (Batjars‘kyy ray)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: A. Panchyshyn
12. |
 | Dear Madam
(Proshu pani)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: A. Panchyshyn
13. |
| The Gates Have Closed (Bramy vzhe zamknuly (Kolyskova))
music: H. Varsa
lyrics: E. Shlekhter, tr. by A. Panchyshyna
| | bonus-tracks:
14. |
| Pipe (Fayka)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: A. Panchyshyn
15. |
| Give'em a Knuckle Sandwich! (Byy guli)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: V. Neborak
16. |
| Lviv Beer (L‘vivs‘ke pyvo)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: Ju. Vynnychuk
17. |
| Black Coffee (Chorna kava)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: Ju. Vynnychuk
18. |
| The Last Bagel (Ostanniy bublyk)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: A. Panchyshyn
19. |
| Light Bulb (Zharivka)
music: V. Morozov
lyrics: A. Panchyshyn
| Total playing time: 58:45 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
..Anyway, the album "And I am not a Moscovite" convincingly illustrates how cleverly one can make fun of the Soviet influence and chanson (in the post-Soviet sense) miasma in the modern Ukrainian culture without resorting to brutal methods. Well, almost without it. Only by irony and, above all, self-irony – sometimes quite tough...
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This recording is the case of an exclusive creative collaboration of two personalities significant for the modern Ukrainian culture. It is a pity that Les Podervyansky does not sing here. Instead, Oleh Skrypka actively participates in duping the plays, and this creates an additional comic and grotesque effect.. Published for the first time.
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This disc creates its own specific atmosphere, tender and impudent at the same time, it smells the streets, along which maidens defile dressed in clothes you can not see in our time. You know, this is a very pleasant feeling – the feeling of presence which appears while listening to this disc.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
, Bristol, United Kingdom
21-01-2011 15:46 |
A real Halician knees up this one. Great violins, great accordion and snappy cheeky lyrics that will have you looking up exotically archaic words in obscure dictionaries of the local dialect. The music is best described as very lively and upbeat, evoking nostalgia for a bye gone Lviv very well. Listening to it and reading the helpful sleeve notes you really do get the feeling that Lviv was once a truly bustling cosmopolitan urban centre which culturally drew on many influences, the result was Batyar music. My only question is where can you listen to this music in Lviv itself? Has it disappeared completely from Lviv?
, Харків, Україна
22-06-2010 14:59 |
Завдяки Віктору Морозову та його батяр-бенду дізнався, хто такі батяри. Важко виділити якусь з пісень альбому. Всі вони зачаровують. Ніби опиняєшся у старовинному Львові, ніби дивишся кіно. Тому враження від альбому цілком позитивне.
Дуже цікавий галицький діалект: значення слів деяких пісень можна зрозуміти, лише прочитавши текст. Дуже рекомендую поціновувачам екзотики та мовознавцям.
, Москва, Россия
06-06-2010 22:42 |
Авторы подошли к изданию основательно. А исполители и в первую очередь Виктор Морозов (так же как композитор) превзошли себя. Альбом слушается легко. Кроме авторского материала на альбоме присутствуют 3 песни неизвестных авторов и два творения маестро Генрика Варса. 10-я дорожка весьма интересна. Как и весь материал в целом. Виктор Морозов и команда настоящие профессионалы. Вот Морозов издал уже свой 4-й сольный диск за 10-летие и все они настоящие перлы. Да, конечно музыка здесь особенная, стилизация под ретро, сделанная на высоком художественном уровне. Оформление диска мне нравится (как и первого "батярского" также). Великолепно исполнено. Браво, ребята!
Не совсем понял по поводу бонус-треков. Они являются продолжением дорожек альбома, тема-то одна. Наверно вошли в одну сессию. Тогда получается остаток материала отложили до следующего издания, там это или в альбом войдёт или в качестве бонусов.