Catalogue -> Modern Pop -> Compilations


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Publisher: Rostok Records
Catalogue number: RRMC-015-00
Year: 2000

Domestic price: 124.60UAH
International price: $8.90USD
1.  Huby tvoy alye ()
2. Mp3Sumlyva Bosa (Aby MC)
3.  Zoloto monet (Dyma Klymashenko)
4.  Ja bolela toboj ()
5. Mp3Ty mene znajdy (Nichlava)
6.  V dome (Cool Before)
7.  Plyvy poka (Brat'ja Karamazovy)
8.  V temnote (Tanky)
9.  Skorost' ljubvy (Symvol feat. Slider)
10. Mp3Vpusty mene (Druha Rika)
11.  Do nastupnoji vesny (Jurij Jurchenko)
12.  Fialky (Okean Elzy)
 Total playing time: 49:45

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