When jazz musicians switch to pop music, it causes an ambiguous feeling. On the one hand – it's a pity. On the other – for the national variety art it is still a chance. In the case of Jamala – that is some third option. When she withdrew from the "Beauty Band" and got engaged in her solo career – this did not become a step back from complex music in favor of simple one. It was not a step back at all. Jamala – and the debut album illustrates this very nicely – creates light music in the best Western tradition. And not just coolly – at a high quality level. Her love for soul, funk, jazz, burlesque and even classical music – it's all here, in this music so many things are mixed that you cannot guess everything at once. Instead, we can say that "For Every Heart" is a painting drawn in very wide and free strokes. Not to the least extent – due to arrangements by Yevgen Filatov aka The Maneken. This is a powerful combination of vintage accessories with modern rhythms and "soundies", improvisations, delves in some very unexpected styles... thus – a poignant, fresh, bright work, pop music in its best sense. Not every day do world-class pop albums appear in Ukraine, but "For Every Heart" seems to be – one of them. Anton Yozhyk Leyba (Hedgehog)
The publication contains a 24-page booklet with illustrations, photos and songs lyrics
Publisher: Moon records Catalogue number: MR 5117-2 Year: 2011
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Jamala
Domestic price: 507.64UAH
International price: $25.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 507.64UAH
International price: $25.90USD
See also:
It is obvious that something extraordinary was expected from DD – so that it were different from the first album but not inferior to it. The girls have met the both expectations, this is a cool art-house piece, quite far from the ordinary..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Love to simple beauty – that is, probably, what in due time conditioned emergence of the "Retroskop" band. And it should be noted that their liking for the music of the 1950s-60s was noticeable not only in performance of "classics of the genre"...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
"I consider that the "retro" style, in which the album "Dahlia" is performed, is elegant – Oleh Skrypka says. – Moreover, jazz, tango, foxtrot, swing are generally considered European and overseas genres, and with this project I want to demonstrate that our country as well has its own rich, unique and high quality music history."
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
..Dakh Daughters have taken a step forward, being able to synthesize their previous experience – here the sharpness of the first album and the balance of the second one have come together, and as a result we have got a rich space of mystery and confession..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..a studio album is a different story, it offers an opportunity to hear, not to see: music balancing on the brink of theater. Due to the art of intonation, which sometimes reaches its extreme and takes a step further – but also due to the art of silence, which only rarely acts as a pause, taking a breath, but mostly it keeps producing supplementary senses.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
An album that's a joke, a discovery, a surprise, a challenge – combining the folk music of the Carpathians with the North American folk. LBB have danced that subtly but stoutly: monologues about dialogues of cultures are not really needed when you have such illustrations at hand..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This album was ready in the autumn of 2016 – but the musicians were in doubt, as a result they literally re-created it from scratch (the sound producer was Yuryi Hustochka). And it turned out – superb, literally. Fragile like the frosty crust on morning snow, thick and fragrant like masala – an album of hope, an album of surprise. Steppe blues..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
..It feels like listening to two albums simultaneously, one of which contains a colorful, complex mixture of styles, from soul and disco to electro-pop, with a bright admixture of classical training and jazz thinking. And the second one – blues, in all of its beautiful simplicity...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
Music contents of this release do not differ from the premium edition (apart from a hidden surprise track). Differences relate only to the external design – besides, there is no booklet with the lyrics here. Hence the lower price of this edition compared to the premium one.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This album is a phenomenon in the modern Ukrainian music. Here we have, first, interpretation of the European classics in the Latin American vein, which they definitely have not tried here so far. And, second – not only the music, but also the vocal manner has been reconsidered. Radically..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
The concert performance – it is different, and not only due to presence of a new song. The sound, nuances of arrangements, team of musicians – but, above all – the energy. And this is the case when, even while just listening to the recording, you experience a kind of happening – not least due to Jamala's affection for gospel.
Domestic price: 684.04UAH,
International price: $34.90USD
The new album by Boombox is another very significant reason to mention the year 2011 as one of the most yielding years for the non-ordinary Ukrainian popular music. No doubt – despite the title, "Middle Age", no crisis is in question here. On the contrary.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
...the content of the album in the style aspect is ambiguous – but, definitely, interesting. This time to their branded ethno-chaos they have added quite a bit of very diverse elements: here you have soul, and D'n'B, and hip-hop, and art-rock, and almost jazz decorations. It appears cool.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Is the studio version different from the concert one? No doubt. Without disclosing all secrets, it is enough to say that it remains up to date to go beyond one language and one culture. In my opinion, the album represents the Ukrainian music, but the music which is done by the new generation. It is the product of the new world. The entire world.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Fortunately, sometimes you run across the albums about which it is very difficult to say anything – because you just frankly like them. Because, in spite of external simplicity, they contain so many ideas, various subtleties – one's ears just go astray..) Because the music tells you stories without words, while the words tell you stories full to the brims with music..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
It would seem – just vocal and the piano. But this only verbally looks rather ascetic – in actual fact, a surprisingly powerful emotional current lives inside there. Actually, the way the voice and the piano sound – makes Hanna Brizhata, aka Anniebri, a truly unordinary phenomenon on our scene. Honestly speaking, I can hardly think about a single Ukrainian album resembling "Lo-Fi Feeling"...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
In spite of that “At Night” compositions do not meet the pop-format, the album is aimed at mass audience. The name, voice and the specific, characteristic of only Svyatoslav Vakarchuk melodics of the compositions will help fans of Ukrainian music become acquainted with new music forms, to seize new music territories.
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
...the songs, which are well-known to us, are performed in a jazz manner, and people say that Skhid-Side ("East-Side") is in fact one of the best jazz bands of Ukraine... Especially because in this particular case it is not only jazz, but also TNMKongo - this mixture turns out to be strikingly successful...
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
As a rule the idea of heroic nature has never even crossed the minds of the heroic figures. Moreover they can even get frightened if one alludes to this. But still they continue doing their work. Just because it is their... It’s no use in objecting to the fact that real musicians, the same as the real music, begin with an ability to listen carefully. To listen and to hear.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Ялта
14-03-2012 12:17 |
Джамалочка лучшая!! Прекрасная музыка, голос, диск!
12-01-2012 21:12 |
Евгений, что касается работы сайта - мы, как и оговорено в правилах, готовы обменять бракованный диск.
Что же касается механического повреждения - вопрос спорный, но, поскольку речь о digi-pack, обсуждаемый.
, Севастополь, Украина
12-01-2012 15:52 |
Что касается Джамалы, я очень рад ее музыке, один диск пошел на подарок, а вот со вторым (вот тут уже коммент по поводу сайта) вышла проблема: не знаю, может, это остатки партии, но пришел он с треснутой пластиковой частью коробки и бледной печатью диска. Пришлось оставить себе, т.к. дарить такое нельзя. Первый диск норм, такой жуткий второй.
, Astrakhan, Russia
20-05-2011 17:42 |
Спасибо этой замечательной исполнительнице за альбом! Советую всем без исключения! не пожалеете))
, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
17-05-2011 15:23 |
Да, ребята!!! Диск просто замечательный! Музыка живая, песни все позивные!!! Голос Джамалы - это музыкальный инструмент, который в мелодии главный, от прослушивания которого не хочется отрываться ни на секунду. Эта певица уникальна и тем, что она любой стиль музыки может превратить в джазовое исполнение, живое и настоящее... Не зря классика и джаз считаются той музыкой, которая обогащает интеллект, заставляет радоваться жизни и почувствовать вкус жизни уже в самом существовании.
, Novotroitskoe, Ukraine
12-05-2011 19:10 |
Слушая Джамалу ты понимаешь, что ЖИЗНЬ ПРЕКРАСНА!!! Музыка и слова несут в себе радость и счастье) Очень позитивный альбом, слушаю каждый день и не могу оторваться) Спасибо, Джамала!!!
, Yzhnoukrainsk, Ukraine
28-04-2011 22:22 |
Диск, и содержание его - ВЕЛИКОЛЕПНОГО качества!!!
Песни, диск - получились ЖИВЫМИ!!!))
, Amsterdam, Netherlands
28-04-2011 16:34 |
- From my website:
This is just a plain advertisement for Jamala's fantastic new album For Every Heart which is out now.
Jamala is a multitalented superstar who just as easily covers Yma Sumac or Shirley Bassey as well as leaving her mark on melancholic classics and her own new tunes.
For Every Heart is a coherent collection of new songs, mostly in a pop / soul vein.
There are two minor concerns:
The album doesn't even start to show Jamala's broad talents: The Yma Sumac like stuff isn't there and only a few times she gives us the high octaves. It probably is best for the album to stick to one style here, but I would have certainly wanted more.
I'm also having a bit of a task grasping Jamala's English, which is sometimes hard to understand. But I'm sure she can work on that before the next opportunity for Eurovision comes along.
The album includes Smile and previous singles It's Me Jamala (I am not Gaga...) and the wonderful You're Made Of Love. There's also a few bonus tracks including a coverversion Shirley Bassey's Propellerheads hit History Repeating.
Highly recommended!
, Sevastopol, Ukraine
24-04-2011 11:32 |
AMAZING! Jamala просто восхитительна!!!
Вставляйте диск FOR EVERY HEART в проигрыватель, на полную громкость, чистейшее звучание, кристальные звук, который не услышите на скачаных треках, ах как же здорово!!! БРАВО!!
, Kiev, Ukraine
31-03-2011 14:00 |
Под впечатлением!!! Вот это музыка!!! Вот это - ДЕЛО!!!
quiet power
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD