Catalogue -> Audio Books -> Modern

Ulas Samchuk. Maria. (mp3).

Reviews (7)
Ulas Samchuk. Maria. (mp3).

"Maria" is, presumably, the first truthful book about Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933 – for it was written in 1933. And written so that sometimes blood gets frozen – though, it might seem, there are virtually no scenes of cruelty or violence. At least, in the sense that is already habitual for modern society. I mean that if you expect for a heap of chronicle details – you won't find them here. And what you will find is a deep and very humane story about the fates of ordinary Ukrainian peasants. Hard-working, simple and wise – actually, exactly such people have all through the times been keeping the live earth. There is no epatage or pomposity at all, not a hint to the intension to exaggerate or hide something. Actually, it is this simplicity and maximal honesty of the story that make it so piercing, close – there are not statistics, but living people in it. Who love, work, believe, struggle, live and die – with dignity. And this dignity is most real, because it comes through hard callosities, salt sweat, through pain and joy of daily work on land. Everybody must work – otherwise, he/she becomes a parasite. And the greatest labor of a person is in his/her heart. And it is not by chance that the name of the protagonist is Maria...

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

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Publisher: Ukrainian Audiobook
Year: 2006

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1. Mp3Vstup
2.  Knyha pro narodzhennja Mariji
3.  Knyha dniv Mariji
4.  Knyha pro hlib

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Volodymyr Vynnychenko. Zapysky kyrpatoho Mefistofelja. (mp3). (Notes of the Snub-Nosed Mephistopheles)

From the first seconds, having heard the first words of the novel, one understands for sure – you will not stop. This book will be read, that is listened to, from the beginning to the end. Attentively, with care – as they read and, especially, re-read the favorite book...
Domestic price: 166.60UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Reviews (7)

02-11-2009 19:14

Khrystyna, as we know, the English translation of “Maria” does exist - but it has
never been published in Ukraine. Unfortunately, we cannot help you to
find it.

  , L`viv, Ukraine
01-11-2009 23:07

Oleg, do you mean that English translation of `Maria` does not exist at all? Would be very grateful for the answer! Thanks in advance!

  Антон , Умка
04-12-2008 14:46

Спасибо, Анна, АЛЛОЧКУ сейчас уберем - проморгали.
Ну а касательно анализа - так всегда пожалуйста) Для хорошей книги хорошего слова не жалко

  , Краматорськ, Україна
04-12-2008 13:30

Сайт неплохой,спасибо,очень помогли с анализом романа Уласа Самчука

03-12-2007 12:22

There is an english translation of the book which can be bought here:

or here


  Oleg (UMKA)
26-06-2007 19:35

Dear Jorge, this book is in Ukrainian only. It has no paper version.

  , Dordrecht, Argentina
26-06-2007 13:13

Hello, I have small questions before choosing to buy Maria:
1- Is this audio book in english?
2- do you also have it in spanish language?
3- does the cd come also with the accompanying paper book?

Many thanks for a prompt reply!