On the disc, you will see the first serious appearance of Dazzle Dreams on a large scene, in front of a wide audience. And, we should say, the action having the name "Groove Inspira" has once again testified to the following: this group has considerable ambitions and indeed is truly ready to work for the sake of their realization. Actually, the very first large concert by Dazzle Dreams took place on the scene that is a cult one for Kyiv – in the Green Theater. And it is not by chance that this event was in ad bills announced as ethno-symphonic deejay show – the orchestra, and the deejays, and the technical outfit on the whole, everything was at their best. Moreover, especially for the sake of this concert Dazzle Dreams invited some of the musicians who took part in creation of their debut album as guests – this is also a generous gesture, isn't it? Besides, it is necessary to indicate that, evidently, they have worked well over the video recording with the help of computers – as a result, you will see not just a concert video, but something in-between a clip (lasting more than an hour) and a real music film. A film, though, that is not too dynamic – instead of dynamics, it offers a sort of such intimate atmosphere of simultaneous attention and alienation. This is, rather, an original meditation. Not immediate, not direct – but, maybe, you will feel something similar. Briefly, a nice release – worth taking interest in. Video format - PAL. DVD Region: ALL.
Publisher: Moon records Catalogue number: MD-0745-0 Year: 2008
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Dazzle Dreams
Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
CD1 |
1. |
| Grandmama |
2. |
| S.O.S. |
3. |
| Ethno Point I |
4. |
| No Fear |
5. |
| Holly Night |
6. |
| Moravia Wind |
7. |
| Loreley |
8. |
| Ethno Point II |
9. |
| Shock Your Mind |
10. |
| Ikona |
11. |
| Salala pg mix |
12. |
| If I Had My Way |
13. |
| Dazzle Dreams |
14. |
| Sleeping Anna |
15. |
| Ikona (dream mix) |
16. |
| Clouds Of Clover |
See also:
The concert film "Our Shevchenko" is not a kind of a formal tribute. It looks like the thunderous silence of an inner challenge in the search for truth. The severe, exacting truth, often inconvenient, incompatible with the comfortable habit of ignoring what destroys the calm, makes one realize one's own limits – and, perhaps, go beyond them.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
An ingeniously simple idea implemented in an impeccably polished form – that's what it is. Now, it is only Lesya and Halya from the previous project composition who remain – and three celloists have joined. Months of daily (!) rehearsals – hence the incredible cohesion. But it is not only about the form and performance...
Domestic price: 272.44UAH,
International price: $13.90USD
The term "rehearsal" – in this case it is about its special meaning: video recording of a studio "main run-through" – to which musicians, as a rule, invite their buddies and friends. With this initiative "Telnyuk: Sisters" have finalized their work with the project "Yellow Dandelion". The full stop, the first puff of the wind – and the seeds fly out into the world..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
This concert took place on May, 21, 2006 in Ingo club (Kyiv). The first solo concert of the then young, however already known alternative group. And you... have got the opportunity to at any time convenient go back through the years to that historical concert...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
If only there are people who are interested in modern Ukrainian music and at that, strange enough, do not attribute due attention to work by TNMK... I think that after watching this they will want to hear everything that has been done by the group during the last 10 years. And they will be right.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
, Первомайск, Николаевской обл., Украина
24-02-2009 19:08 |
Скептически относился к украинским поп-соловейкам з полонини.
Що не співак, то обов*язково з Галичини.
Таке враження,немов на кожній смереці по співакові сидить.
Но, случайно увидев клип "Dazzle Dreams", изменил свое общее негативное мнение о качестве современной украинской музыки.
Днем просмотрел клип, вечером заказал два диска в Вашем магазине.
И ни минуты не пожалел о приобретении.
Очень достойное качество изображения и звука.
Необычное и прогрессивное для современной украинской эстрады направление.
Возможно, ранее уже предпринимались попытки в этом музыкальном направлении.
Но так далеко и успешно, на мой приватный взгляд, так еще никому не удавалось продвинуться.
Спасибо ребятам за полученное удовольствие от концерта, их поиск нового и проделанный огромный труд!
, кривбас, україна
15-05-2008 14:40 |
класний диск.особливо шура -дуже талановита людина,з колишніх скрябів поважаю його найбільше.
13-05-2008 20:51 |
Дуже класний двд! Перший альбом був супер а тепер на додачу і фільм. Вчора дивився і мені дуже сподобався той факт шо записані не тільки Шура і Дімітрі а і весь оркестр разом з бек вокалами. Кому сподобався альбом Дезелів тому на 100% сподобається цей двд.