No age restrictions. Every video has a clip how it was making.
In Ukrainian and English.
Video format - PAL. DVD Region: ALL.
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 2678879 Year: 2008
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Ruslana
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CD1 |
1. |
| Prezentatsiyne video (EPK) |
| | Amazonka (Wild Energy) –
| | Ukrainian videos:
2. |
| Dyka enerhija |
3. |
| Dyka enerhija, making of |
4. |
| Vidlunnja mriy (Moon of Dreams) feat. T-Pain |
5. |
| Vidlunnja mriy (Moon of Dreams), making of |
6. |
| Vohon‘ chy lid |
7. |
| Vohon‘ chy lid, making of |
8. |
| Dykyy anhel |
| | English videos:
9. |
| Teasers |
10. |
| Wild Energy |
11. |
| making of Wild Energy |
12. |
| Moon of Dreams feat. T-Pain |
13. |
| making of Moon of Dreams |
14. |
| Silent Angel |
| | Dyki tantsi (Wild Dances) –
| | Ukrainian videos:
15. |
| Dyki tantsi |
16. |
| Dyki tantsi, making of |
17. |
| Skazhy meni |
18. |
| Skazhy meni, making of |
19. |
| Oy, zahray my, muzychen‘ku |
20. |
| Oy, zahray my, muzychen‘ku, making of |
21. |
| Kolomyyka |
22. |
| Kolomyyka, making of |
23. |
| Znaju ja |
24. |
| Znaju ja, making of |
| | English videos:
25. |
| Wild Dances |
26. |
| making of Wild Dances |
27. |
| Dance with the Wolves |
28. |
| making of Dance with the Wolves |
29. |
| The Same Star |
30. |
| making of The Same Star |
See also:
"We Will Defeat the Time" is a dedication to memory of fighters for freedom of Ukraine and the 50th anniversary of death of Stepan Bandera. A sort of a call – not to forget about those who fought, militated, perished when young. Not to forget that history tends to repetitions – and what the next repetition will be like depends on us only.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The first author performance demonstrated in 1998, after the many months of careful preparation. The project includes not only the festive songs set, but also theatrical and ballet pieces. The chamber orchestra "Virtuosos of Lviv", the choir and musicians of the rock group "Klub Shanuvalnykiv Chaju" accompanied the singer.
Domestic price: 320.60UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
A concert film based on materials of Christmas performances – won the award as the best music film of 1999. Almost all inhabitants of Lviv were involved in its production. And such sights of the global value as the Dominican cathedral, the Pototsky's palace etc. The quality of the music material satisfied even the most snappy music critics.
Domestic price: 320.60UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
Christmas 2003 project. This time, Ruslana invited friends, stars of the Ukrainian variety art, to celebrate Christmas in the picturesque snow-bound Carpathians and at a real carnival in the center of the ancient Lviv. Taisiya Povaliy, Ani Lorak, Evgenia Vlasova, others took part in the film. The film's soundtrack is Christmas songs performed by them.
Domestic price: 320.60UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
Zaporozhian Cossacks captivated by Turks dream to break free. Gossips about that reach the sultan. He disguises and penetrates unnoticed into the settlement of Cossacks, where he meets Ivan Karas. The sultan invites Ivan to the palace. The clever Karas, though quite drunk, looks closely and notices everything. And when time comes, due to his attentiveness and smartness Cossacks break free.
Domestic price: 278.60UAH,
International price: $19.90USD
Domestic price: 208.60UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
, Izegem, België
21-01-2018 12:19 |
It's impossible to find Ukrainian music dvd's in Belgium. I'm happy i have find this site. The Ruslana-dvd is really a good buy. Professional maked, somethimes funny and Ruslana is still a nice person. The dvd was delivered in 5 days and i hope i can buy more of this good things.Thank you very much. Greetings JL.
, Маріуполь, Україна
31-07-2014 18:53 |
Руслана. Відеокліпи: Wild Energy. Амазонка. Wild Dances. (DVD).
У цій збірці найкращі відеокліпи Руслани на пісні з вище вказаних альбомів. Але особливою родзинкою є відео про зйомки кожного з кліпів. Це мені сподобалось.
, United States
26-04-2009 13:31 |
In the US, it is difficult to find quality Ruslana videos and most that are on the Internet are not of a high quality. So, this was a nice addition to my collection. Plus, it has both the Wild Dances and Wild Energy videos. I highly recommend this to any Ruslana fan.
, London, United Kingdom
23-03-2009 13:23 |
Very Good!
Nice to see such as disc released at last by Ruslana!
, константиновка, украина
01-03-2009 19:29 |
Мне безумно понравился диск!!!очень долго его ждали!!!качество офигительное!!еще хотелось бы диск с концертом!!!
, Едмонтон, Канада
24-02-2009 06:37 |
Молодець, РУСЛАНО! Чудовий відео-диск! Ми вже так довго чекали на нього! Добре, що видано пісні українською і англійською мовами!
13-02-2009 22:17 |
Fantastic! Ochen Ochen Harisho! Sorry no cyrillic font on comp! ( I Miss Ukraine! )
, краматорск, ukraine
30-01-2009 18:49 |
класнючий сборник,я его ждал года два,спасибо всем кто принимал участие в его производстве и реализации!!!
, Munich, Germany
30-01-2009 15:16 |
Ruslana is an unbelieveable powerful artist. Her voice and last but not least her performance on stage is absolutely terrific and incomparably.
This DVD is wonderful and hopefully there´ll be a live dvd of a concert soon.
Ruslana, please visit Germany for a concert tour soon! :-)
Many greetings to all Ruslana fans in the world!
, Constanta, Romania
17-01-2009 21:54 |
The best choice that you can do is this DVD because, proves how much work has made a star to enjoy the public through music
I respect and admire, much success in the future Ruslana
, Миколаїв, Україна
07-01-2009 15:46 |
мне очень понравилось так держать руслана
, Mauritius
05-01-2009 06:23 |
Really good compilation of Clips... Ruslana once more done a great thing!!! I love Ruslana very much... both her "old" and "new" style are great!!!
looking forward ordering other Ruslana's stuff!!!
, Greece
04-01-2009 15:48 |
sorry, i meant:
"a big plus of the dvd are the video "making ofs" which are very amusing as the real videos"
, Greece
04-01-2009 15:44 |
i was in a dilemma ordering this dvd, because i dont like very much ruslana's new songs. but it was worth doing it finally, because of her WD videos of which i'm still very nostalgic.
the old WD videos are a real priceless gem and remind me of the old good days ruslana style. i cant swallow this new "wild" style she is now promoting and videos "vohon chy lid" and "diki anghel" are very boring and cliche for ruslana's potential.
i think she is capable for more things and i hope in the future she offers us more ukrainian flavour in her albums:-))
ps.: a big plus of the dvd are the video which are very amusing as the real videos:)
, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
03-01-2009 23:04 |
Finally Ruslana's most important video's on a DVD. I enjoyed it very much. Really a must have!!!
I am looking forward to her Christmas-DVD's.