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Ruslana. Na Rizdvo do L‘vivs‘koho! Christmas Legends 2. (DVD). (For Christmas to Lvivsky)

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Ruslana. Na Rizdvo do L‘vivs‘koho! Christmas Legends 2. (DVD). (For Christmas to Lvivsky)
"Christmas 2003 project. This time, Ruslana invited friends, stars of the Ukrainian variety art, to celebrate Christmas in the picturesque snow-bound Carpathians and at a real carnival in the center of the ancient Lviv. Taisiya Povaliy, Ani Lorak, Evgenia Vlasova, others took part in the film. The film's soundtrack is Christmas songs performed by them: both famous Christmas hits, Christmas carols sung and arranged in an absolutely new way, and compositions recorded especially for the film. The final song is performed by all the participants. The stars are represented in absolutely unexpected images and places – in a rural house during traditional preparation for the Holy Night, at a Christmas table, as members of the traditional "den" and even... in the past. And the main thing is that each of the performers tells us about the value of Christmas personally for him / her and congratulates the audience on this sacred holiday."

Video format - PAL.

DVD Region: ALL.

Publisher: Comp music
Year: 2008

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:

Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:

My zdolajemo chas: posvyata Herojam. /DVD/. (We Will Defeat the Time: dedication to Heroes)

"We Will Defeat the Time" is a dedication to memory of fighters for freedom of Ukraine and the 50th anniversary of death of Stepan Bandera. A sort of a call – not to forget about those who fought, militated, perished when young. Not to forget that history tends to repetitions – and what the next repetition will be like depends on us only.
Domestic price: 194.60UAH, International price: $13.90USD

Ruslana. Rizdvo z Ruslanoju. (DVD). (Christmas with Ruslana)

The first author performance demonstrated in 1998, after the many months of careful preparation. The project includes not only the festive songs set, but also theatrical and ballet pieces. The chamber orchestra "Virtuosos of Lviv", the choir and musicians of the rock group "Klub Shanuvalnykiv Chaju" accompanied the singer.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Ruslana. Ostannje Rizdvo 90-kh. (DVD). (Last Christmas of the 1990s)

A concert film based on materials of Christmas performances – won the award as the best music film of 1999. Almost all inhabitants of Lviv were involved in its production. And such sights of the global value as the Dominican cathedral, the Pototsky's palace etc. The quality of the music material satisfied even the most snappy music critics.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Zaporozhets‘ za Dunajem. Feature comic music film. Based on the same-name opera by S. Hulak-Artemovsky. (DVD). (Zaporozhian Behind the Danube)

Zaporozhian Cossacks captivated by Turks dream to break free. Gossips about that reach the sultan. He disguises and penetrates unnoticed into the settlement of Cossacks, where he meets Ivan Karas. The sultan invites Ivan to the palace. The clever Karas, though quite drunk, looks closely and notices everything. And when time comes, due to his attentiveness and smartness Cossacks break free.
Domestic price: 278.60UAH, International price: $19.90USD

Natalia Mogilevska. Etot tanec. (This Dance)

Domestic price: 208.60UAH, International price: $14.90USD

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