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Telnyuk Sisters. REHEARSAL (studio video project). (DVD).

Reviews (1)
Telnyuk Sisters. REHEARSAL (studio video project). (DVD).
The term "rehearsal" is returned by dictionaries as "репетиція" in Ukrainian – but in this case it is about its special meaning: video recording of a studio "main run-through" – to which musicians, as a rule, invite their buddies and friends. On the one hand, this creates a sort of an intimate atmosphere (and adds to agitation), on the other – it helps to concentrate better, because, in fact, what happens is a chamber concert for the closest people. In the West, this sort of format is popular enough, but in Ukraine not a single such recording has yet been released. Till recently.

With this initiative "Telnyuk: Sisters" have finalized their work with the project "Yellow Dandelion". The full stop, the first puff of the wind – and the seeds fly out into the world.. Frankly speaking, I have heard these songs dozens, if not hundreds of times – but, it appears, this does not matter. Now I live through them again.. deeply and clearly, as if there is no transparent glass. There is no distance between the song and the soul, there is no strength to avoid stopping breathing, let it go on – it caresses and burns – but let it flow; in your palms, there is no space for empty words, there is no ability to eat what is semi-true, this is how everything passes, except for the paths, while you carry the salt of joy..

In the end, materializing of music is always some magic. It would seem that this magic should disappear under a too attentive stare – but no. The other way round – it becomes even more tangible, almost visible. Probably, the point is that one can see from a close distance gestures, mimicry, shine of eyes, unconscious body movements – a smile of one, concentration of another, gracious tranquility of the third one. Besides, here, as close as never before, it is possible to see that Galya gives birth, and Lesya flies up.. And at a certain instant you already realize: Everything is good. Forever..

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

The movie is in Ukrainian.

Video format - PAL.

DVD Region: All.

Publisher: Comp music
Catalogue number: 6271589
Year: 2010

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Telnyuk Sisters

Domestic price: 409.64UAH
International price: $20.90USD
1.  Kol‘orovyy litak
2.  Divchatko-klenchatko
3.  Ja znaju...
4.  Lastivka
5.  Holos Tviy...
6.  Zhovta kul‘baba. Harlem
7.  Vechirnyk
8.  Tjul‘pany
9.  Zorelev
10.  Naybilishyy holub
11.  Ty shche zhyvesh
See also:

Telnyuk Sisters, National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine. Nash Shevchenko. /DVD/. (Our Shevchenko)

The concert film "Our Shevchenko" is not a kind of a formal tribute. It looks like the thunderous silence of an inner challenge in the search for truth. The severe, exacting truth, often inconvenient, incompatible with the comfortable habit of ignoring what destroys the calm, makes one realize one's own limits – and, perhaps, go beyond them.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Telnyuk Sisters. Live at the Glenn Gould Studio. /Road of Glass/. (DVD-r).

An ingeniously simple idea implemented in an impeccably polished form – that's what it is. Now, it is only Lesya and Halya from the previous project composition who remain – and three celloists have joined. Months of daily (!) rehearsals – hence the incredible cohesion. But it is not only about the form and performance...
Domestic price: 272.44UAH, International price: $13.90USD

Tol. detoNatsija. live. (DVD). (detoNation)

This concert took place on May, 21, 2006 in Ingo club (Kyiv). The first solo concert of the then young, however already known alternative group. And you... have got the opportunity to at any time convenient go back through the years to that historical concert...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Dazzle Dreams. Groove Inspira. (DVD).

On the disc, you will see the first serious appearance of Dazzle Dreams on a large scene, in front of a wide audience. And, we should say, the action having the name "Groove Inspira" has once again testified to the following: this group has considerable ambitions and indeed is truly ready to work for the sake of their realization.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Tanok Na Maydani Kongo. ShoPopaloShow. (DVD). (RigUpShow)

If only there are people who are interested in modern Ukrainian music and at that, strange enough, do not attribute due attention to work by TNMK... I think that after watching this they will want to hear everything that has been done by the group during the last 10 years. And they will be right.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Reviews (1)

  Александр Смирнов , Украина
26-07-2010 12:50

Сайтом пользуюсь несколько лет. Нареканий на обслуживание нет. По поводу получаемых дисков могу сказать следующее. Во-первых заказываю диски по своему вкусу. Во-вторых обращаю внимание и на исполнителей, и на качество записи. Музыку люблю всякую и народную, и джаз, и современную, и классическую. Не очень нравятся современные стили, в основе которых лежит ритмическая основа, а не мелодия. Имею два высших образования техническое и музыкальное (звукорежиссура). Что касается студийной презентации сестер Тельнюк, то это на настоящий момент одна из любимых моих записей. Прекрасное исполнение, отличные, ни на кого не похожие произведения, великолепная игра прекрасных музыкантов, изумительная и с технической и с художественной точки зрения запись. Хотелось бы пожелать, чтобы на сайте появлялись записи не только украинских музыкантов, но и зарубежных (СНГ и дальнего зарубежья)