Everyone who has been expecting for release of this collection, probably, was interested in the question – will only clips by VV be included here, or still something more? To everyone's joy, now it is obvious – the disc is titled "Video Collection" justifiably, not for the sake of eloquence. It consists, actually, of two sections. One is Video Clips. All, so to say, more or less official videos of the group appear here. Some of them we know well enough, some we have seen now and then – but we have seen them, and even on TV. However, some of them are so rare, that for many they will appear as never seen before. To say nothing about the second section – Video Archive. Here you will find records about existence of which you might have known, but most likely you have never seen them. Real rarities, without exaggeration. Here, there are even records from the "French period" – a royal gift to all devoted admirers of VV, isn't it? And consider, for example, "Galyu, Pryhod'" performed on the accordion, tambourine and an empty coffer... Now Oleh Skrypka already starts speaking about a new album, which will include absolutely new songs – but for this we will still have to wait. Well, having such a toy at hand as "Video Collection" – we could wait... Video format - PAL. DVD Region: ALL.
Publisher: Krajina mrij Catalogue number: krm 021 Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Vopli Vidopliassova
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CD1 |
1. |
| Muzika |
2. |
| Vesna |
3. |
| Horila sosna |
4. |
| Ljubov |
5. |
| Den‘ narodzhennja |
6. |
| Buly na seli |
7. |
| Ne dumay |
8. |
| Den‘ narodzhennja rmx |
9. |
| Svit |
10. |
| Polonyna |
11. |
| Sonjachni dni |
12. |
| Zorjana osin‘ |
13. |
| Pisen‘ka |
14. |
| Kolyskova |
15. |
| Kateryna |
16. |
| Tantsi |
17. |
| Zv’jazok |
18. |
| Buly den‘ky |
19. |
| Pisen‘ka (live) |
20. |
| Olja (live) |
21. |
| Kolyskova (live) |
22. |
| Halju, prykhod‘ (live) |
23. |
| Tantsi (live) |
See also:
The concert film "Our Shevchenko" is not a kind of a formal tribute. It looks like the thunderous silence of an inner challenge in the search for truth. The severe, exacting truth, often inconvenient, incompatible with the comfortable habit of ignoring what destroys the calm, makes one realize one's own limits – and, perhaps, go beyond them.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
An ingeniously simple idea implemented in an impeccably polished form – that's what it is. Now, it is only Lesya and Halya from the previous project composition who remain – and three celloists have joined. Months of daily (!) rehearsals – hence the incredible cohesion. But it is not only about the form and performance...
Domestic price: 272.44UAH,
International price: $13.90USD
The term "rehearsal" – in this case it is about its special meaning: video recording of a studio "main run-through" – to which musicians, as a rule, invite their buddies and friends. With this initiative "Telnyuk: Sisters" have finalized their work with the project "Yellow Dandelion". The full stop, the first puff of the wind – and the seeds fly out into the world..
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
This concert took place on May, 21, 2006 in Ingo club (Kyiv). The first solo concert of the then young, however already known alternative group. And you... have got the opportunity to at any time convenient go back through the years to that historical concert...
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
On the disc, you will see the first serious appearance of Dazzle Dreams on a large scene, in front of a wide audience. And, we should say, the action having the name "Groove Inspira" has once again testified to the following: this group has considerable ambitions and indeed is truly ready to work for the sake of their realization.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
If only there are people who are interested in modern Ukrainian music and at that, strange enough, do not attribute due attention to work by TNMK... I think that after watching this they will want to hear everything that has been done by the group during the last 10 years. And they will be right.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
, Ростов н/Д, Россия
03-01-2010 23:16 |
Отличный диск в приемлемом качестве. По-моему, этот релиз должен быть у каждого любителя рок-музыки в коллекции. И спасибо сайту за предоставленную возможность порадоваться песням Олега Скрипки...
Влодко Б.
, Едмонтон, Канада
13-04-2008 08:15 |
Страшенно радий, що ми нарешті дочекалися до цієї збірки відео кліпів на DVD. Купив цей диск і справді усвідомив наскільки довгий і складний шлях пройшов Скрипка та його друзі, щоб вийти на теперішній рівень.
Слід зазначити, що №1-15 це справді кліпи, а от №16-23 вже архівні записи з концертів ВВ. Деякі з них прикольні, а інші справді унікальні. Раджу всім шанувальникам ВВ придбати цей диск!
, Харьков, Украина
20-02-2008 03:04 |
Диск замечательный. Собрано почти всё. Ценно и старое и новое. Жалко не всё сохранилось в должном качестве до наших дней. Вот бы и со старыми аудиозаписями они так же поступили. Всё то от чего они открещиваются по своим причинам. Это был бы ценный подарок тем кто их любит давно. Очень давно.
, Костянтинівка, Україна
30-01-2008 11:03 |
Творчість Скрипки вже оцінювати запізно. Це класик. Збірка відповідна. Замовлю диск знайомим.
, Denmark
13-01-2008 00:40 |
It was very funny to see the videos of VV, especially the early amateur ones where Oleg really acts up for the crowd. It's just great.
02-01-2008 17:47 |
Просто Супер!!!
, Киев, Украина
27-12-2007 13:36 |
Диск прекрасный, очень понравился. Выслал друзьям из Москвы на Новый год которые так же уважают творчество Олега Скрипки.
, Ізмаїл
08-12-2007 15:40 |
Диск дуже сподобався!!! Давно хотілося придбати таку річ, де були б зібранні усі відеороботи "ВВ". Спасибі Вам за Ваш сайт, де можна купити такі цінні диски української естради!!!
, Дніпропетровськ
07-11-2007 14:22 |
Я давно чекав цей диск!
Уря! Дочекався!