Avishai Cohen Trio. Night of Magic. (live in Kyiv). /digi-pack/ | | Track Reviews (3) |
This Kyiv concert is, no doubt, memorable for all those who was then at the concert hall – and, apart from them, all of their relatives and acquaintances, because the sensations then had to find at least some way out) Non-speaking about it was just dangerous, and impossible as well... And – that was speaking enthusiastically, selflessly, and partly – silently (because this music is still much greater than any words), with light in the eyes, warm shine on the face – right? I’m sure that I’m right. Between the hall and the scene, a mystery of incredible might and depth took place, that was Music that for some time melted the several hundreds of various, separate souls – into the joint, large, live heart. I think that on that evening there was enough love to prevent or stop some war in the world – and probably, in the end, so it happened... That is why it seems to me that one such concert is worth a dozen of other nice concerts – because this was not nice. This was – truthful light magic. I know: the real soul of music opens up exactly on such evenings – in full, and no matter whether it is called jazz. But it matters that this is live music, which takes place here and now, which not only causes reaction, but also instantly reacts, breathes, changes, acquires a new clarity. If I’m not mistaken, "To the Bird" was performed by Avishai Cohen after his modest warning: – Now I will do this for the first time, – and he did! However, the essence here is not even technical skills, no. Just sometimes there happen performances, when it seems that the high sky went down on earth, and this is a wonderful experience. But others also happen, when one feels the earth flying up into the sky – and this is indescribably beautiful... The music by Avishai Cohen Trio on that evening was exactly like that – and let you be able to feel at least a particle of this sincere, warm beauty... Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog) Avishai Cohen - double bass, vocal Shai Maestro - grand piano Mark Juiliana - drums
Publisher: Jazz in Kiev Records Catalogue number: JIK 002-08 Year: 2008
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- Avishai Cohen Trio
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See also:
...And – freedom, needed in treatment of the form and details. This is what this album is comprised of – well, and a jolt of haphazardness, to spell out in words the somewhat absurd lyricism of the world capable of joyfully and sadly beautiful acts. Even if it doesn't (?) make sense. Exhale and inhale, mind and heart, because otherwise – it does not work, it does not dance.
Domestic price: 410.20UAH,
International price: $29.30USD
The album is devoted to work by Freddie Hubbard – maybe, the most skillful and multi-style trumpeter in the history of jazz. For two decades, Hubbard, according to data of a questionnaire poll by "DownBeat" magazine competed for the title of the leading jazz trumpeter with Miles Davis..
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Thus – thirteen LP albums by "The Beatles", one song from each. Something is closer to the original, something is farther: jazz is music that is free in its creative search and discoveries. Let us hope that this new CD by Cherkasy Jazz Quintet will turn to be a nice present both for fans of "The Beatles", and for fans of jazz...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"...In our employees, we appreciate Creativity and the ability of Teamwork, of hearing and supporting each other. In a democratic society we crave for Freedom and dream of living in Joy. Lord, but I have just described JAZZ! In music and in life!.."
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
In fact, this is already the third release of the first album by Cherkasy Jazz Quintet. "Speaking about jazz means wasting the time when one could listen to this wonderful music. The maximum that can be done – is raising a glass and proposing a toast to health of our Cherkasy musicians, to these surprising, talented and enthusiastic people..."
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
"Sofia" is not something soft and sweet. Fresh improvisation music with the Slavonic flavor – bright and rather poignant music, which in no way fits for serving as just a background. It requires attentive listening, and it is just pleasant to listen to it attentively, to track the line of each instrument...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
I do not even know whether I should refer to Illya's music as complicated one. Objectively, presumably, yes – although, to my mind, its flow and development in every play is so natural, easy that the architecture just steps back to the background. Because in his hands the music matter stops being an abstract idea – it comes back to life..
Domestic price: 200.20UAH,
International price: $14.30USD
..it seems that "My Day" is the first Ukrainian jazz album "spin" round the button accordion... Spin perfectly – Kostyantyn Strelchenko has proved to be a true master. This refers, sure, to the purely technical virtuosity as well – and it does impress. But one would like to separately emphasize another mastery, the internal one...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..two concerts took place on that evening in actual fact – and those performances were so different that almost no temptation even arises to compare them with each other. But another thing is always the main one: whether the musicians succeed in revealing themselves in music – and, thus, revealing the audience with the music. And here, presumably, there will be no objections: all of that – happened!
Domestic price: 600.60UAH,
International price: $42.90USD
Everything coincides on that spring evening – the mood, energy, mastery. And – the internal freedom of people who came together to once again create a common language... And we could describe the swift and lyrical Aleksandrov, the artistic Fantaev, thoughtful and easy-going Arnautov, light and deep at the same time Soskin, but music lies – in different thing...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
..it will not be an overstatement if we say that the debut album by Fantaev has been virtually the most expected jazz release 2008 in Ukraine. But even more than that – already following the first concert presentations after the recording but before the official release of the disc, "First Kiss" was named the best jazz program of the year.
Domestic price: 390.60UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
VSH-Ensemble can be considered a temporary concert project, a sort of a gamble. However, in view of the quality of the music material represented here, one would like to believe that activity of the project will not be ended thereon – in the end, as they say, it is temporary things that last the longest... At all events, it seems that "Acid Menu" has succeeded for one hundred percent.
Domestic price: 348.60UAH,
International price: $24.90USD
Season 2007 was opened and closed with performances by, actually, Igor Zakus with Z-Band – and the both concerts have now become constituent parts of this series. At closing of the season, an absolutely new program sounded – "Kolomyiky". Well, and the program "Zakus Was Here" sounded during the opening, and it is it that you are going to hear here.
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
This disc is double exclusive. First – as any recording of a live concert, it has fixated instantaneous changes of moods and states of the musicians, fluctuations of temperature in the hall. This is evident. But the main thing – now you have in front of you not just a concert by Igor Zakus with friends, but also a presentation of his absolutely new program, "Kolomyyky".
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
It is musicians of the group that said about their "SkhidSideMen" album that the world had seen pure jazz. I won't argue – as personally I had exactly the same feeling about this music. The feeling of pure, fair, simple in its wisdom – fire...
Domestic price: 250.60UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Listen how soft but bright the instrument sounds in his hands, how much of his sincere heart is given to it – you can hardly mix this handwriting with anything else. I am sure – even if only the bass by Igor Zakus sounded on the disc, it would be a rich, varied jazz album...
Domestic price: 502.60UAH,
International price: $35.90USD
You feel that this music sounds not in the usual manner, but because it is composed for close people, with whom you may speak without words (sometimes it is even worth speaking without words).
Domestic price: 558.60UAH,
International price: $39.90USD
, Tokyo, Japan
26-02-2014 04:12 |
This CD is hard to get in Japan now. Kind of Gentle Disturbe Live. Great performance,
, soisy sur ecole, france
23-01-2012 12:07 |
MAGIC i have seen avishai live in france. people was shouting singing dancing. you will retrieve this atmosphere in this record
, Êè¿â, Óêðà¿íà
15-11-2008 22:21 |
Áóâ ³ íà òîð³øíüîìó êîíöåðò³ (ùî íà äèñêó) ³ íà öüîãîð³÷íîìó ôåñòèâàë³ Äæàçó. ijéñíî - íåïåðåâåðøåíî! Âñ³ì õòî â ìóçèö³ ëþáèòü ðèòì, ìåëîä³þ, ïî÷óòòÿ ³ ñàìå æèòòÿ - îáîâÿçêîâî ñïîäîáàºòüñÿ.
soft pauses
Domestic: 250.60UAH
International: $17.90USD
Domestic: 200.20UAH
International: $14.30USD