You are holding in your hands the book that comes in the set with the specialized disc. On it, I have recorded amazingly beautiful classical music and all the existing sounds of water! The classical music is supplemented, empowered and decorated with the beautiful sounds of nature, which I call the foundation of all music, or – the natural Music!.." Stepan Nederytsya
Attention! This book is not a textbook on medicine. All the recommendations must be approved by your physician. Recommended for a wide range of readers.
In Russian.
Type of the edition: soft cover
Format: 140x200 mm
Number of pages: 160
Publisher: Nederytsya S.S., Kyiv
1. HYMN VODE (ch.1).
- Unykal‘nye svoystva Vody, sposobnye perevernut‘ nashe myrovozzrenye \\ Strukturyrovannaja Voda doma! \\ VODA! "VO"! "DA"!
2. Tkanevaja y mezhkletochnaja zhydkost‘
- Zh.Offenbakh. Barkarola yz opery "Skazky Hofmana" \\ Lechebnyy effekt \\ Pros‘ba-predosterezhenye
3. Plazma
- K.Sen-Sans. "Akvaryum" \\ Belky krovy: al‘bumyn \\ Ymmunohlobulyny \\ Druhye belky plazmy krovy \\ Lechebnyy effekt
4. Obmen veshchestv
- V.A.Motsart. Kontsert dlja fleyty y arfy "Do mazhor". Chast‘ vtoraja \\ Posredstvom Molytvy \\ Posredstvom Muzyky \\ "Vot etot sovsem druhoy!" \\ Lechebnyy effekt
5. Vosstanovlenye neyrohumoral‘noy rehuljatsyy serdechno-sosudystoy systemy (nervnaja systema)
- K.Debjussy. "Detskyy uholok". Tanets snezhynok \\ Lechebnyy effekt
6. Serdtse
- E.Saty. "Hymnopedyja" \\ Rehuljatsyja raboty serdtsa \\ Lechebnyy effekt
7. Krov‘
- F.Shopen. Etjud "Kaply dozhdja" \\ Lechebnyy effekt
8. Veny
- Y.Brams. "Venherskyy tanets" ¹2 \\ Funktsyy venoznoy systemy \\ Stroenye venoznoy systemy \\ Klapany ven \\ Yohannes Brams \\ Lechebnyy effekt
9. Arteryy
- P.Chaykovskyy. "Barkarola" \\ Arteryal‘naja systema \\ Petr Yl‘ych Chaykovskyy \\ Lechebnyy effekt \\ Prytcha o Vode
10. Lymfa
- B.Smetana. Symfonycheskaja poema "Vltava" yz tsykla "Moja Rodyna" \\ Bedrzhykh Smetana \\ Lechebnyy effekt
11. Medytatsyja (endorfyny)
- R.Vahner. "Zyhfryd – ydyllyja" \\ Muzyka \\ Lechebnyy effekt. Endorfynnaja systema
12. Strukturyrovannaja voda doma
- S.Rakhmanynov. "Varyatsyy na temu Pahanyny" \\ Neskol‘ko slov o Rakhmanynove \\ Lechebnyy effekt
13. Humoral‘naja rehuljatsyja (hormony, melatonyn)
- O.Respyhy. Poema "Fontany Ryma", "Fontan vylly Medychy pry zakhodjashchem solntse" \\ Vosstanovlenye ymmunyteta \\ Snyzhenye ryska raka \\ Snyzhenye nehatyvnykh posledstvyy stressa \\ Prochye effekty \\ Ottoryno Respyhy \\ Lechebnyy effekt
14. HYMN VODE (ch.2)
- Eshche nemnoho ystoryy \\ Udyvytel‘noe rjadom, tol‘ko poprobuy eho razhadat‘ \\ Sekret sekretov
15. Alkohol‘ – ubyytsa ¹1
16. Tabak – ubyytsa ¹2
- O klube "Doroha k sebe"
- Hlava yz budushchey knyhy "Mysly & mjusly, yly Prohrammyrovanye nastojashcheho"
- Vmesto zakljuchenyja