Looking at this photo, is it possible to say that this woman has not only children, but also grandchildren? To my best belief, it is not. But Sofia Rotaru does not agree to fade like a flower, and it is for better. Yes, she has already done a lot so that the Ukrainian song was not only known but also loved in many countries of the world. Well, she has already done it, and the time passes. However, as far as you can notice, the second wind has appeared within her. As a result, her new songs have been constantly bombing hit parades lately. And we must admit that it is quite a successful bombing. Well, there is only one composition in Ukrainian recorded at this album, but it makes no difference, because Sofia Rotaru has never been the singer who sang exclusively Ukrainian songs – and this time it does not hinder the quality. Returning to the topic of the second wind and paying attention to the rhythm of the album on the whole – this second wind, I think, might have been taken for the third one, as it is so much alive. No, this flower does not agree to fade, she agrees only to flare. songs are in Russian.
Publisher: Artur Music Catalogue number: CD 217 Year: 2004
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Sofija Rotaru
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CD1 |
1. |
| Ty pozovy menja
music: R. Kvynta
lyrics: V. Kurovskyj
2. |
 | Belyj tanec Makarevych V Kurovskyj
music: O. Makarevych
lyrics: V. Kurovskyj
3. |
| Najdy menja
music: R. Kvynta
lyrics: V. Kurovskyj
4. |
 | Nebo - эto Ja!
music: R. Kvynta
lyrics: V. Kurovskyj
5. |
| Vyshnevyj sad
music: R. Kvynta
lyrics: V. Kurovskyj
6. |
 | Belaja zyma
music: R. Kvynta
lyrics: V. Kurovskyj
7. |
 | Dozhdyk
music: R. Kvynta
lyrics: V. Kurovskyj
8. |
| Pjat' mynut
music: R. Kvynta
lyrics: V. Kurovskyj
9. |
| Hod za desjat'
music: R. Kvynta
lyrics: V. Kurovskyj
10. |
| Odna Kalyna
music: R. Kvynta
lyrics: V. Kurovskyj
| | Bonus
11. |
| Belyj tanec (chill out mix) |
12. |
| Belyj tanec (dancemix) |
| Total playing time: 47:54 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
Audio cassette/
Domestic price: 213.64UAH,
International price: $10.90USD
, Germanija
24-02-2008 21:59 |
Klassno! Obojajy Sofijy Rotary!!!
, Riga, Latvia
19-11-2007 21:00 |
Я вас очень уважаю Софиа Михаиловна Ротару-Я каждую вашу песню знаю и паю-спасибо вам огромнй про всо-Я вас люблю.
, Tsnori, Georgia
07-07-2007 12:07 |
Ya ochen lublu sofiu rotaru .ona velikolepnaya,ochen krasivaya,jenstvennaya,ona,samaya luchaya,ya ee fanatka.keti iz gruzii.mne 15 let.
, Belgrade, Serbia
06-05-2007 18:06 |
It's woenderful!This album and few new songs:Odin na svete,Dozdi.. I dont know what is better,her look,style,voice,songs.. It's hardly to buy russian music in Serbia.It's prohibitet- I think
You have my,and voices of my familly,daughters:Katarina,Danica and Sofia
, Н-Тагил
21-03-2007 11:45 |
небо это ты
, Dallas, USA
07-01-2007 01:39 |
I love her!!
, Ludza, Latvija
28-12-2006 17:18 |
Zame4ateljnij aljbom, i prekrasnaja zhens4ina...
, New York, United States of America
12-08-2006 23:26 |
Listening to This Singer has really made me happy to Purchase 2 of her CDs in Almaty, Kazakhstan to me she has great Music and specially the Great Voice to put it all her Music Together.
, erevan, armenia
20-11-2005 15:02 |
Moya samaya lyubimaya pevica,ne stareet nikogda i day bog ey ostavatsya takoy molodoy i zhizneradostnoy dolgie godi.Prozhiv god v Anglii,za etot god ya naychila svoi angliyskix dryzey peth so mnoy pesni Sofii Rotary,ya ix zarazila svoey lubovhu k ney,i se ychas vse moi znakomie znayut kto Rotary. Pishite mne poklonniki Rotaru.
, roma, italia
17-10-2005 19:52 |
ti adoro sofia , sei unica sei splendida come sempre, continua cosi. tanti saluti a rostoky regione di chernivtsi tanti baci
, Porto Alegre, Brazil
07-10-2005 10:11 |
I love Sofia Rotaru!!
, Erevan, Armeniya
20-05-2005 11:20 |
Disk opravdal vse nadejdi poklonnikov velikoy i zamechatel'noy pevici,zvezdi estradi Sofii Rotaru.Ot vsey dushi pozdravlyaem lyubimuyu pevicu i jelaem escho bol'shix tvorcheskix uspexov,schastya v lichnoy jizni,tepla i radosti!!! Spasibo vam za to,shto vi est'!! Mi vas ochen' lyubim!!!
sunny indie
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD