Catalogue -> Other -> Relax-piano, music therapy

Stefan Nederytsa. Recovery After a Stroke. Prevention of Brain Diseases. "The Book of the Living" Series.

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Stefan Nederytsa. Recovery After a Stroke. Prevention of Brain Diseases. "The Book of the Living" Series.
"A stroke is a dysfunction of the brain's arterial blood supply. But if the trouble has already happened, is it possible to restore? I say: it is possible. As a result of numerous experiments, I realized that it was Mozart's music that was most efficient for successful fetal development and able to repair the disruption arising in the brain's functioning. The higher vibrations of the music, the more efficiently baby brain's synaptic connections "mature". Naturally, the same vibration will make it possible to quicker eliminate abnormalities in functioning of an adult's brain. The second most efficient music is that by Bach, which activates the brain's function. The third best is that by Krasnoukhov, due to its harmony. A positive effect on the brain's function is also exerted by high-frequency sounds of Nature, the voices of birds and dolphins, the sounds of water and wind chimes. They complement and enhance the music...

Starting from today, it is necessary to change our mindset and lifestyle – for more details, see my recent book "Structured Water at Home". Be healthy!" Stepan Nederytsya

Publisher: Rostok Records
Year: 2013

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Stefan Nederytsa

Domestic price: 213.64UAH
International price: $10.90USD
  W.A.Mozart. Kontsert dlja fortepiano ta orkestru ¹13 Do mazhor k.416:
1. Mp3I. Allegro
2.  II. Andante (zvuky del‘finiv)
3. Mp3III. Allegro
4.  "Zhart" (zvuky malynivky, zhayvoronka)
music: J.S.Bach
  W.A.Mozart. Sonata Do mazhor dlja dvokh fortepiano k.521:
5. Mp3I. Allegro (zvuky strumka ta lisovykh ptakhiv)
6.  II. Andante (zvuky konykiv)
7. Mp3III. Allegretto (zvuky doshchu)
8.  Inventsija ¹8 Fa mazhor (zvuky dzvinochkiv)
music: J.S.Bach
9. Mp3Kontsert dlja fortepiano ta orkestru ¹9 Mi bemol‘ mazhor k.271 chastyna 3, Rondo
music: W.A.Mozart
10.  Inventsija ¹9 Si bemol‘ mazhor
music: J.S.Bach
11. Mp3"Lahidni khvyli" (zvuky del‘finiv)
music: D.Krasnoukhov
12.  Kontsert dlja fortepiano ta orkestru ¹17 Sil‘ mazhor k.453 chastyna 3, Allegretto (zvuky solov'ja i drozda)
music: W.A.Mozart
 Total playing time: 79:13

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Stefan Nederytsa. Beethoven Effect. Stable Pressure. "The Book of the Living" Series.

"...So, if a person has a healthy heart and kidneys, he/she should not have any problems with pressure! And what if he/she has?.. I've long been thinking about creating this disc and, while listening to a lot of music, I arrived at the conclusion that the most stable music is that by Beethoven!" Stephan Nederytsya
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD

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