Perhaps there is no need to explain that Qzzaargh is among pseudonyms of the famous Serhiy Kuzminsky or "Kuzia" – the respected "Braty Gadukiny" member. With this name he signs his studio-electronic experiments. It becomes clear what the disk is in front of your eyes at once. There are "Perkalaba" group works pulverized with Kuzia muscle on the disk. The group that has become popular owing to its mad and insane energy. The previous material recording was made in summer 2005. So, it's normally that during the recent performance of "Braty Gadukiny", the performance of "Perkalaba" preceded it – this friendship has already got its history. Speaking about this album, it represents "Perkalaba" songs in unusual format and manner. The huge passion and bright wind are in the past. It’s now more clear but multilayer, something more sad but philosophic. Something less exact but more purposeful. So this collaboration has brought such an interesting and strange product..
Anton Yozhyk Leyba (Hedgehog)