Catalogue -> Rock & Alternative -> "Rock Legends of Ukraine" series

Tabula Rasa. Rock legends of Ukraine.

Reviews (5)
Tabula Rasa. Rock legends of Ukraine.

They have always been and still seem to be romanticists. This is the main trait of everything they do. It is felt in everything - in texts, in the manner of performance, in the sounding itself. One more important trait is doubleness or some internal concurrency. Evident manifestation of this concurrency shows itself in two languages in which they perform – Russian and English. But all that is external. Listening to their interviews, personally I caught myself at the thought that they only seem crazy and in reality they are completely normal people. But when I am listening to their music it seems to me that they only pretend to be normal because normal people compose music and sing a little bit differently. Though their music is not crazy. However, so be it. Until this internal intrigue exists, there is the hope that they will create something interesting.

"Rock Legends of Ukraine" is the series of compilations of the best compositions of Ukrainian rock-groups. They are those musicians who created the history of modern Ukrainian music. As it becomes the collection series, all discs have the same stylish design and will make a wonderful present and decoration of a music lover collection.

Publisher: Atlantic
Year: 2003

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Tabula Rasa

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1.  Bulochka Tashkenta
2. Mp3Vel'vetovyj pydzhak
3.  Hrystyanskaja vesna
4.  Holosa Amsterdama
5. Mp3Sadovnyk
6. Mp3Kanykuly
7.  Radyodonor
8.  Dozhd'
9. Mp3Nabljudenye za yhroj v karty
10.  Help me
 Total playing time: 38:07

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Arlett. Arlett. /digi-pack/.

..Eventually, the debut album by Arlett generally somehow avoids excesses, sticks to certain mainstream – which, incidentally, has its zest. It is read as being without a mask, simple expression, a sort of a light conversation. Due to which, probably, there will be a chance and the will for a deeper conversation.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH, International price: $15.90USD

Dyki Sertsem. Bez zayvykh sliv. /digi-pack/. (Without Further Ado)

..The key issues covered in the texts are the request for people to have trust in their power, to help people around, to value beloved ones, to smile at every day, to learn from old mistakes, and most importantly – to be themselves.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Okean Elzy. Gloria. /re-edition, digi-pack/.

...the quality of the album – yes – deserves compliments. May be, for the sake of that it was worth while changing the group members – with the exception of Guru, of course. Now it is interesting what will happen next. Because judging by ears – to be continued.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Mekhanichny Apel'syn. Tsyrk kvitiv. (The Circus of Flowers)

...their second album "The Circus of Flowers" sounds much more balanced and serious, and in many other ways different. Stylistically, it is still based on blues-rock, and even with little insertions of reggae, ska, etc, this is the same band. The Mechanical Orange remains itself.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Trans-Former. Terytorija trojand. (Territory of Roses)

Thus, there are no sophisticated constructions, flirting with the public, theatrical gestures here – but there is simple, and thus strong rock music. And there are the lyrics – probably, not too sophisticated, but thus no less meaningful. Because, in the end, one of the key features of "Trans-Former" has been and still is – honesty.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Trans-Former. Styhla vyshnja. (A Rip Cherry)

And we will hear the music that is quite rare today in Ukraine – pure rock. Clear rhythms and texts not deprived of the existential, firm guitar turns and energetic male vocal – yes. This is just the color that has been recently lacking in the variety of Ukrainian music, and it’s a pity.
Domestic price: 233.24UAH, International price: $11.90USD

Oleh Suharjev. Poklyk. (Call)

Maximally simple, clear concept – the acoustic guitar plus singing. And it means that lyrics come to the first plan – and, believe me, they are worth being listened to attentively, and not once.
Domestic price: 213.64UAH, International price: $10.90USD

Pikkardiyska Tertsia. Rock legends of Ukraine.

They are favourite singers and they deserve it.
Domestic price: 488.04UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Plach Yeremiji. Rock legends of Ukraine.

Domestic price: 605.64UAH, International price: $30.90USD

Reviews (5)

  Женя , Івано-Франківськ, Україна
01-04-2007 02:29

Музика супер дивує тілки те ,що немає активної діялності.

  , Мелитополь, Украина
22-12-2006 17:09

Таула Раса - это мои начальные школьные годы. Как сейчас помню. "Шейк "шей, шей" - вот такая у нас игра!" (Кстати непонятно почему на диске нету этой песни, а также странно смотриться отсутствие "Востока").

  , Україна, Запоріжжя
21-10-2006 03:46

Табула раса-красива музика і цікаві абстрактні текстию.Аж ніяк не попса!!!Думаю,давно пора видавати на МП3-розійшлось би швидко!!!

  Cвітлана , ірпінь
30-01-2006 14:36

От чого не розумію - як такий продукт можна було включити до каталогу "Рок Легенди ...". Такі прикрі класифікації дивують, а подекуди навіть соромно. тож бо й існує думка, що українська музика - це отакі "виконавці". Хоч я і не "поп-фан", а по-моєму цей продукт і для попси - мурня.

  Макс , Киев
12-05-2005 10:40

порадовало само издание, но никак не подборка песен. хитов не обнаружено. ну что ж, ждем осени 2005 - издания ЛУЧШИХ песен Табула Раса.