Mad Heads XL have finally come back with a new work, one would like to say – forever, because it is good indeed. Two axes are obviously traced in the album, and it is not easy to say which of them is more important. In the sphere of music, the group has developed and deepened the stylistics set with the album "There Is Hope" – thus, drive has became a bit less hard, but in some respect even more powerful, plastic. The already characteristic guitar base supported by a strong wind section – performed by Mad Heads XL, it sounds strong. But there is also another aspect. You should necessarily listen to the texts – however, it is all the same difficult not to notice them. Vadym Krasnooky becomes – forgive my loose definition – a lyrically-cheerful philosopher, and this does impress. In his texts, questions and problems arise that just must arise to a person who does not wish to live thoughtlessly. But if this sort of things are usually accompanied by various photogenic poses with a frowned brow, here – joy and love, search for harmony live inside. There is no fear – and for that reason the eternal questions about the sense of life can still get a deserved answer... In the polygraph to the CD, it is said: "...The mad dance of oppositions creates our world. The white and black in each of us..." Everything is simple – everything is honest. Only the one who does not hide can search and discover.
Publisher: Comp music Catalogue number: 2294262 Year: 2008
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Mad Heads XL
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
..there is much less boyish hooliganism, the characters have matured, sure, thus having lost something cloudless. And having gained something significant in return, it seems. At least, they have something to say and sometimes may even do that with a smile – which now contains much more shades. What you will hear – depends on yourself. 5'nizza opens various doors..
Domestic price: 448.84UAH,
International price: $22.90USD
With this music – there are all the chances to swim to the summer almost unnoticeably, without straining where this is not needed. Ukrainian reggae with a mischievous smile and a hardened core. Just put on repeat – so much so that your hand reaches out for that – and you should not interfere with it.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
The group has deviated from its rockabilly image and offered its listeners melodious and vigorous rock. However, the group’s rock'n'roll alive spirit, as well as its power and dynamics, are preserved on this disс.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Everything these two guys achieve with the help of an acoustic guitar, light percussion and two voices is real and interesting. The honesty of youth may sometimes be harsh and rather coarse and at the same time this honesty cannot exist without tenderness, love and sensitivity
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
There exists the word “reggae”. This is a musical style. Philosophy. Religion. The way of living. Myth. Fairy-tale. Reality. Really unreal reality. Rest. Inner work. So much inner that it even looks as if they were a continuous rest...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
, Святогірськ, Україна
17-09-2010 18:28 |
Ідея гурту - суцільний позитив! Його відчуваєш в кожній композиції, його не вистачає в житті. Хто йде по життю з посмішкою, кому цікаво жити, хто відкритий до оточуючого - тому сподобаються пісні гурту "MAD HEADS XL", як сподобалися вони мені!
, Амвросіївка, Україна
13-07-2010 21:27 |
(- Вцілому ..) FOREVER ..- `гарний альбом .
Та міг би бути одним з найкращих альбомів усіх часів і народів - якщо були б достатньо ' ' ' дошліфовані ' ' ' .. тексти `усіх пісень (тобто були не гіршими за (- наприклад ..) "Зірки знають" або "Чи те того варте").
Певне: "MAD HEADS XL"-ю .. як-мінімум трохи бракувало (принаймні: натоді).. достатньо нелегковажного ставлення до певних професійних ігор .
Дякую "MAD HEADS XL"-ю .. за цей альбом ... і бажаю і надалі .. творчого натхнення .
, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
25-03-2009 15:34 |
The lead singer of Mad Heads XL was given a brief interview on BBC television last night. I had a listen to music on line and was massively impressed. Will the band think of coming to the UK?
Can you make the Forever CD available immediately in UK.
I am sure there would be quick demand!
, варшава, пл
09-12-2008 19:55 |
абомчик новий, інший, створений під ширшу публіку. Загалом непоганий, але без мед хедівського драйву. 10 річ (чи те того варте) дуже сподобалась. Привіт українським медсестрам :)
, Кривий Ріг, Україна
29-10-2008 18:19 |
Так музика чудова, але то вже не Mad Heads. Це не та група що лабала Black Cat чи Corrida. Це вже щось інше. Не гірше а просто інше. Мені особисто сподобалось але хотілося б почути чогось з "ранішніх часів". Отаке от моє ІМХО.
, Seattle, USA
13-10-2008 22:07 |
This is an amazing CD, the sounds has done nothing but improve since their last album, i love it. Vadim's Singing is wonderful. i cannot say anything bad about this album, it's amazing.
, Полтава
15-08-2008 07:10 |
Дуже сильний альбом, як і по звуку, так і по ліриці. Чесно кажучи, навіть не сподівався, що MadHeads зіграють на такому рівні, хоча рівень їх і так досить високий. Їх ВАРТО послухати, повірте...
, Донецк, Украина
13-08-2008 20:11 |
Безусловно лучший альбом группы, которая постоянно прогрессирует. Влюбиться в этот альбом можно уже буквально с первых песен, среди которых есть уже признанные хиты "А я на морі" и "Найкраща мить" и новые зажигательные песни с очень интересными проникновенными текстами. В общем советую купить лицензионный альбом и получить массу удовольствия!!!
, London, Great Britain
11-08-2008 22:09 |
Another fantastic album by the highly versatile Mad Heads! Until now, my favourite CD was Naked Flame. But after the first listening of Forever, it has to be right up there with the classics. I love the way Vadeem and the boys blend punk and ska so well, and still manage to include a hint of rockabilly somewhere! Every track on this album is well written and produced. Three tracks in particular I can't stop playing are 'Buvaye', 'Screenka' and and my personal favourite 'Shljakh Do Neba'. In my personal opinion, this is the best album (along with Naked Flame!) that the Mad Heads have recorded so far. I hope to travel from London to Kiev to see the boys at Dockers some time in the near future. This will be a worthwhile trip to hear some of the new album live! Buy this CD...you will NOT be disappointed!