Finally! That's right – since this album was initially expected by really a lot of people before Christmas, then – right after the New Year, etc. Expected not only because it is – "Mandry", the team whose work is always purely positively charged. (Kindness of these people is so genuine that even their sad songs have their transparency quality – and with it one feels no longer sad but clear) So, expected. Not for the least because Foma, the group's leader, promised surprises and said that this time they experimented a bit with the sound and style. We have nothing but to state the fact – expected not for nothing. We can say that "Mandry", in fact, have almost abandoned the realm of folk-rock. At least, the narrowly Ukrainian one. But. It is very important and very nice that, nevertheless, the group did not limit itself in any one direction. It is as if "Mandry" have a dozen feet, and each is on its own way, its own threshold – and we see simultaneous presence in several places at once. Every next song is a new style, a new tone with the "plus" mark. As the Hindus say, thousands of roads lead to Mount Meru, but all of them converge at its top. See you there.
Publisher: Lavina Music Catalogue number: LM CD 451 Year: 2006
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Mandry
Domestic price: 507.64UAH
International price: $25.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
, харьков, украина
04-07-2011 21:42 |
спасибо за сборник очень хорошие песни
, Київ, Україна
18-08-2010 11:18 |
Я захоплююсь групою Мандри! Ви найкращі!
13-05-2010 23:58 |
Another awesome CD from Mandry! They never disappoint and never fail to deliver many creative, versatile, wonderful songs. They will always be one of my favorite bands!
, Запоріжжя, Україна
19-01-2008 17:26 |
Дуже радий що є такий гурт як "Мандри".
Дуже подобаються такі пісні як Дорога, Коханочка, Любов, Коло млину.., Калина.
У Запоріжжі чомусь придбати альбом неможливо... Замовив альбом та отримав на пошті... Дякую!
, Brisbane, Australia
15-09-2007 18:48 |
Top stuff! Doroha sounds like you are on a road and the clarity of voice makes the difference.Ukrainian singers are known for clear singing which makes it worth listening to.Another CD being worn out in the car whilst driving around at work.
Let's hope the boys decide to release more English speaking versions so the rest of the world can hear them.
, 4ubYork, Ukraine
12-09-2007 21:36 |
молодці хлопці, знають свою справу! якісна музика, якісний запис!
, Schaumburg, USA
16-07-2007 06:46 |
I enjoy listening to all the "Mandry" CD's because of the clarity of the voices and the quality of the music.
"Ne Spy Moya Ridna Zemlya" on the "Doroha" CD is one of the most beautiful songs in regards to patriotic lyrics and vocal clarity.
"Rio Rita" is one of the examples of "Mandry's" versatility.
, Едмонтон, Канада
16-04-2007 01:48 |
Ого! Дуже цікавий альбом!!
, Bialystok, Poland
18-12-2006 01:58 |
Oczień choroszyj albom! Chłopci trymajtie tak dalej!
, Germany
03-12-2006 11:00 |
Хороший альбом, но предыдущий был лучше.
, Moscow, Україна
27-11-2006 13:28 |
Кому у Москві хочеться дуже "Мандрів", пишіть, привезу (zvoniboban@rambler.ru)
, Київ, Україна
18-11-2006 22:59 |
Мандри завжди будуть в моему серці!!!Дійсно українське,для справжніх поціновувачів кращих пісень!!!Так тримати!!! :0
, beirut, lebanon
21-09-2006 19:43 |
vpervi uslishal mandry na den' ni zale*nast ukraine 2006 v kievi, srazy panravilis..maladsy ribjata!!
, London, PL/ UK
29-08-2006 01:27 |
I really enjoy the new album; good job guys:)
, London, England
21-07-2006 02:27 |
Another good album from Mandry... I've bought all three since discovering them two years ago on a visit to Kyiv... the first CD is the best but this one is pretty good too. Hope I'll get to see them live one day... Mandry if you're reading this, time to get an English page or two on your website also.