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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
Komu Vnyz. 4: Shevchenko. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Komu Vnyz. Shevchenko. (EP) (special offer)
Domestic: 507.64UAH
International: $25.90USD
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Catalogue -> Folk -> Singers

Nina Matvienko. Najkrashche. Golden Collection. (The Best Of...)

Reviews (27)
Nina Matvienko. Najkrashche. Golden Collection. (The Best Of...)

May be, it was not so easy to create this collection of the best recordings of Nina Matviyenko’s songs, as too many of such recordings have been collected. If you paid attention, you might notice that that the whole retrospective review of the songs, performed by her from 1970 till 1999, is presented here. We may only thank the archival depository of the Ukrainian radio for keeping these recordings in a good state. So, there are many recordings, while the capacity of the disc is limited. Due to this it was not so easy at all. Still, on the other hand, all that had to be a very easy work, and the reason for it is very simple – this is Nina Matviyenko. Frankly speaking, it is difficult to imagine a song, performed by her, to be not beautiful. It seems that she is able to perform even an unremarkable song in such a way that you listen to it and your heart melts. Sometimes it seems that through her voice our country and our land express, tell and insonify themselves. They rise themselves, and rise us, who live in this world, with them. This woman sang that way long time ago, she sings this way now. As for us, we are listening. And heed. And rise.

Anton Yozhyk Leyba (Hedgehog)

Publisher: Astra Records
Catalogue number: A.R. 003-04

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Nina Matvienko

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1. Mp3O, Our Beautiful Family (O, rodu nash krasnyj)
music: Ukrainian folk song
2.  The Tall Willow (Vysoka verba)
music: Ukrainian folk song
3.  Wild Geese (Dyki husy)
music: Ihor Poklad
lyrics: Jurij Rybchyns'kyj
4.  O, Speckled Cuckoo Bird (Oj, ty, zozul'ko rjabejkaja)
music: Ukrainian folk song
5.  Blue-winged Pigeon (Syzokrylyj holubon'ku)
music: Ukrainian folk song
6.  It's Not A Blizzard Sweeping Through That Meadow (Ne metelycja luhom stelyt'sja Vladyslav Tolmachov Borysa Spysarenka)
music: Vladyslav Tolmachov
lyrics: Borys Spysarenko
7. Mp3Tell Me, O Deep Well (Oj, hlybokyj kolodjazju)
music: Ukrainian folk song
8.  A Girl Was Walking Down The Meadow (Ishlo divcha luchkamy)
music: Ukrainian folk song
9.  The Magic Fiddle (Charivna skrypka)
music: Ihor Poklad
lyrics: Jurij Rybchyns'kyj
10.  Where Are You, My Friend (Oj. de zh ce ty, podruzhen'ka)
music: Ukrainian folk song
11.  Woe Is That Gull (Oj, hore tij chajci)
music: Ukrainian folk song
12.  In The Month Of June (U misjaci ijuni)
music: Ukrainian folk song
13. Mp3Oh Goodness, What Am I Doing (Oj, Bozhe, Bozhe, scho ja roblju)
music: Ukrainian folk song
14.  How I Love You (Jak ja ljublju tebe)
music: Ihor Poklad
lyrics: Dmytro Lucenko
15. Mp3People Are Telling Me (Kazhut' meni ljudy)
music: Ukrainian folk song
16.  A garland of Ukrainian folk songs - recorded from the singer's mother, Antmina Matviyenko
17. Mp3Song About Mother (Pisnja pro matir)
music: Ihor Poklad
lyrics: Borys Olijnyk
18.  A Little Quail Has Come Flying Ukrainian folk song (Pryletila perepilon'ka)
music: Ukrainian folk song
19.  This Black Field Is Ploughed Up. An Eagle Has Ploughed It (Chorna rillja izorena. Orel pole poorav)
music: Ukrainian folk song
20.  Let's Fill Our Glasses Brothers (Nalyvajmo, brattja)
music: Viktor Lisovol
lyrics: Vadym Kryschenko
21. Mp3The Juices of Earth (Sik zemli)
music: Vladyslav Tolmachov
lyrics: Volodymyr Vyhrusch
22.  A Star's Lullaby (Kolyskova zori)
music: Iryna Kyrylina
lyrics: Mykola Synhajivs'kyj
23.  When Nightingales Laugh And Cry (Smijut'sja, plachut' solov'ji)
music: Ukrainian folk song
lyrics: Olexandr Oles'
24.  Don't Go Quite Yet. My Ihumg Years (Vy ne jdit', lita molodi)
music: Vadym Smohytel'
lyrics: Vadym Smohytel'
25.  Farewell (Buvajte zdorovi)
music: Ukrainian folk song
 Total playing time: 77:52

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Maria Mykolaichuk. Oy, chervona kalynochko. Golden Collection. (Oh, Red Snowball Tree)

Everybody knows her name. But only experts and the nearest circle of friends know Marichka Mykolaychuk as she is represented on this disc. The singer's uniqueness is not only in the unique manner of performance that can be defined as "accomplished simplicity", which only few can achieve...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Nina Matvienko. Kolyskova zori. (Lullaby to a evening-glow)

You will hear songs that actually have not been released earlier. Nina Matvienko... Such force and clearness are there in her voice that even songs familiar for a long time sound so fresh, as if for the first time. To say nothing of less known songs – their sounding at once bewitches, grasps all of your attention entirely. And such attention is generously rewarded.
Domestic price: 644.84UAH, International price: $32.90USD

Reviews (27)

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Astarta. Astarta/Edwin. /digi-pack/.
slow drive
Domestic: 448.84UAH
International: $22.90USD
Borys Hmyrya. Ukrainian folk songs and romances. /cassette/.
Hmyrya. Ukrainian folk songs and romances. /cassette
Domestic: 213.64UAH
International: $10.90USD
Shopping Hour. Sunce Viter. (premium edition). /digi-pack/. (The Sun Wind)
music of the world
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD
DakhaBrakha. Shlyakh. /premium, digi-pack/. (The Road)
the Ukrainian Zen
Domestic: 409.64UAH
International: $20.90USD